Women are more than welcome to share their ideas and experiences. However, it's hard for me as a man to find info especially on how androgens modulate the lacrimal and meibomium gland.
Quickly about myself, was a bodybuilder for 15 years, 9 years natural and then I decided to start taking exogenous testosterone. Bodybuilding doses, which are huge in comparison to doctor monitored trt. 2 years ago I tapered and did a post cycle therapy in hopes I would get my HTPA functioning properly again. Apparently that didn't work....total test as of yesterday was 252 and bioavalable was 60. Bioavalabke is the number that matters...it's what's not bound and active in the body. To give you an idea of how low my free test was, the bottom of the reference range was 72...so significantly low. My estradiol was at 40...again, it should be between 20-30 for a man.
So why bring all this up? Well it seems that on the bleeding edge of dry eye is the notion that androgens increase the function and lower inflammation of the ocular surface and the glands associated with the tear film (lacrimal, meibomium). Why are post menopausal women 90% more likely to develop dry eye? Androgen deficiency. Men with prostate cancer who are chemically castrated to halt the growth of the cancer develop dry eye. Then my anecdotal case...after scratching my corneas my eyes healed very slowly, not text book in any way. My guess is that my androgen deficiency and increases estradiol played a role in my terrible outcome and healing.
Theyre cureebtky in phase one trials for androgen eye drops. So I don't have time for that lol...so my plan is to go on doctor supervised trt in the hopes I can increase the function of my glands and reduce inflammation by getting my hormones back in line.
I will follow up with this, when I start, how I feel and keep everyone posted bevause I believe this is a crucial link for some of our issues. We all have dry eye for different reasons...I'm on my way to trying to figure out my issues.
Currently on a .2% lotopredanol called alrex...also just started restasis. I personally really like restasis..I love the steroids lol. They've both given me so much relief already however I think I can do better than just decent..I want optimization. I'll never be the same I don't think, but I want to get as close as possible.
Much love!
Quickly about myself, was a bodybuilder for 15 years, 9 years natural and then I decided to start taking exogenous testosterone. Bodybuilding doses, which are huge in comparison to doctor monitored trt. 2 years ago I tapered and did a post cycle therapy in hopes I would get my HTPA functioning properly again. Apparently that didn't work....total test as of yesterday was 252 and bioavalable was 60. Bioavalabke is the number that matters...it's what's not bound and active in the body. To give you an idea of how low my free test was, the bottom of the reference range was 72...so significantly low. My estradiol was at 40...again, it should be between 20-30 for a man.
So why bring all this up? Well it seems that on the bleeding edge of dry eye is the notion that androgens increase the function and lower inflammation of the ocular surface and the glands associated with the tear film (lacrimal, meibomium). Why are post menopausal women 90% more likely to develop dry eye? Androgen deficiency. Men with prostate cancer who are chemically castrated to halt the growth of the cancer develop dry eye. Then my anecdotal case...after scratching my corneas my eyes healed very slowly, not text book in any way. My guess is that my androgen deficiency and increases estradiol played a role in my terrible outcome and healing.
Theyre cureebtky in phase one trials for androgen eye drops. So I don't have time for that lol...so my plan is to go on doctor supervised trt in the hopes I can increase the function of my glands and reduce inflammation by getting my hormones back in line.
I will follow up with this, when I start, how I feel and keep everyone posted bevause I believe this is a crucial link for some of our issues. We all have dry eye for different reasons...I'm on my way to trying to figure out my issues.
Currently on a .2% lotopredanol called alrex...also just started restasis. I personally really like restasis..I love the steroids lol. They've both given me so much relief already however I think I can do better than just decent..I want optimization. I'll never be the same I don't think, but I want to get as close as possible.
Much love!