Ok, some of you may know that i got married one year ago to an American. Been together 3 years, i got my green card for the US in December. Previously ive been to the US back and forth for 3 years staying months at a time because i had school to complete in the UK. Im now in the US staying with his family (cuisans) because in January when i arrived here i found out he has been cheating on me for 2 months. I was here 3 days and then he ran off with her!! hes back on drugs and hes back to drinking every night (ALOT). My eyes werent bad last year at all (i wont go in to detail, but my eyes felt great because i had throat congestion, this always happens with me).
So now im living with his cusians, still in PA. My eyes are bad again, been bad since september.
I just got a job at Hershy medical center in the ER department as a registration associate... This is good right... BUT, my eyes are killing me.. I cant do my positive thinking anymore to combat the depression of severe dry eye because.. my positive thinking was based on being with him, because i was sooo happy with him. He gave my life meaning. The training for this job is hardcore and fulltime for 4 weeks. After that im only part time. BUT I DONT KNOW IF I CAN DO IT.. THE EYE PAIN IS effecting my concentration... This is my BIIGEST ISSUE.
Ughhhh i just feel like giving up and going home to be with my family who care about me. I feel alone here!! But i kinda want to stay because i feel like ive failed to just go home, and i just got a good job (not well paid but its a good job/place to work).. AND the US is wayy better for dry eye treatments than the UK, so that makes me want to stay.. But then again.. ive already tried all the treatments anyway (doxy, restasis, azasite, plugs, sclerals, IPL, the list goes on...). and nothing helped my eyes. There isnt anything else they can give me RIGHT??? i have MGD with inflammed inner eyelids.
Honestly, i have no postive out look for life anymore, i know i will live in pain for the rest of my life (im 26) and i have been put off love for life.... if i died tommorow i would NOT CARE. Thats where im at right now.. I have not felt like this in ages, since before i met my ''ex husband''. BTW i spent tons of money to come out here and be with him as well
If my eyes werent bad i know i could be a strong person, like people keep telling me to be... do this job and start a fresh. But my eyes make me weak.
So now im living with his cusians, still in PA. My eyes are bad again, been bad since september.
I just got a job at Hershy medical center in the ER department as a registration associate... This is good right... BUT, my eyes are killing me.. I cant do my positive thinking anymore to combat the depression of severe dry eye because.. my positive thinking was based on being with him, because i was sooo happy with him. He gave my life meaning. The training for this job is hardcore and fulltime for 4 weeks. After that im only part time. BUT I DONT KNOW IF I CAN DO IT.. THE EYE PAIN IS effecting my concentration... This is my BIIGEST ISSUE.
Ughhhh i just feel like giving up and going home to be with my family who care about me. I feel alone here!! But i kinda want to stay because i feel like ive failed to just go home, and i just got a good job (not well paid but its a good job/place to work).. AND the US is wayy better for dry eye treatments than the UK, so that makes me want to stay.. But then again.. ive already tried all the treatments anyway (doxy, restasis, azasite, plugs, sclerals, IPL, the list goes on...). and nothing helped my eyes. There isnt anything else they can give me RIGHT??? i have MGD with inflammed inner eyelids.
Honestly, i have no postive out look for life anymore, i know i will live in pain for the rest of my life (im 26) and i have been put off love for life.... if i died tommorow i would NOT CARE. Thats where im at right now.. I have not felt like this in ages, since before i met my ''ex husband''. BTW i spent tons of money to come out here and be with him as well
If my eyes werent bad i know i could be a strong person, like people keep telling me to be... do this job and start a fresh. But my eyes make me weak.