I have only one friend, my only supposed suport systeem. Tonite I decided to move out of state in oder to find a job, something that my recent residence in NY had none of. I I know this friend has a high level of resentment re this move as he was the one that iinitiatied move. However, he will not at all admit it, Keeps talking about what is best for me but his whole attitude is crystal clear, at least to me as we have known each other for over30 years. Hurts alot but I need to go where I may hopefully find a job. Here, there is zero.
Hurts so much when your only friend is not truthful. So nodIDD all things are for me to cope w/ totally alone., Any groups I can join/ Don/;'t have kids. Did cry alot tonite and gratefully there were some tears. So alone and so very afraid and sad. Off to bed now...double vision among lots of other horrors.
Hurts so much when your only friend is not truthful. So nodIDD all things are for me to cope w/ totally alone., Any groups I can join/ Don/;'t have kids. Did cry alot tonite and gratefully there were some tears. So alone and so very afraid and sad. Off to bed now...double vision among lots of other horrors.