So for a while I've been lying awake at night searching the forums for answers to my issue. I'm sick of being constantly plagued by this issue, I'm tired, throwing up and not even wanting to get out of bed. I'm still doing some sort of routine ketofall... fish oil.... warm compress or cold depends... optimel... still plagued by dryness
I csnt see my optremist.. due to the virus... I dont know how long this will tske and then at the eye hospital to press on at options dont know when jll get an appointment... I was suppose to have one last year hopefully. I'm not sure what else to do, I'm tired physically I'll now because of being plagued by this. I keep crying as I've still had no relief. I asked my mum about removing carpet from my room as I've had allergic reactions to dust on my hand that then clear after a little while. I feel like I'm doing nothing to budge this disease at all and I cant cope anymore knowing I've got more years of this. I feel like I'm going insane due to the dryness. My eyes have went further bloodshot due to dryness and I dont know how to stop it..... I'm barely getting out of bed. Nothing seems worth it for my eyes anymore and it's so difficult to treat this disease.... im becoming less and less like myself and just a living shell in a body because of this. I thought I maybe had inflammation due to burning dryness and all that lot. Got hydrocortisone.... its did nothing but make me feel spaced out, pain where my organs are located very rarely.... and just general tired and adding more illness to me. I want to press on just incase. I cant seem to budge the papillary reaction for my allergies.... no matter what I do... its really irritating my eyes.... I feel lost. I wanted to go back to university but I cant physically cope like this anymore. My family dont really get it and are trying to st least suggest things ot somyjems it's worse and they say it COULD BE WORSE. I agree it could but I cant get this under control and I'm physically loosing my mind and I'm out of money constantly.... I'm lucky if I can barely do a job for a few months. I thought I was getting somewhere last time but it seems I am not. I asked if there was anything else I could do which was not really answered. I'm tired of this disease and physically cannot cope knowing I did this and that this is how I live my life now day in and day out....
I'm stuck. I just want relief and even that seems like a major hassle with just mgd... my top glands in a mirror look ok producing oil and bottom ones are ok but alot slower I think due to allergies seems my lower ones get effected more. I'm not sure how to remove or get rid of the psoillsrg reaction ive tried hoovering alot lately but I feel like I'm wasting my time. It's a good Hoover that picks up dust aswell..... I'm just I dont know how to cope anymore at 23 with mgd and allergies. I thought I'd find an answer kn here but havent found anything... I wish there was a cure but they dont seem to care about us anymore or at least takes years for it to happen if at all! I'm tired of this disease if I stop it foesnt seem to matter as my eyes will be red anyway... I just dont know how to progress in my life it seems pointless when this disease has taken so much from me.... I keep thinking I'll have hope and I'll get out of it.... but I dont know anymore. I'm tired of this continuous battle. I cant exactly die either... I feel so so lost.
