It is important to take medical therapy in a timely manner. This includes artificial tear therapy. If drops are instilled after discomfort is felt then it is too late.
There is an App that works with iphones and androids called EyeDROPS. Its free and it sets up a schedule of reminders throughout the day to put in drops. It was originally created for glaucoma patients and I have found it to be very beneficial for patients with ocular surface issues.
I would be interested in hearing how many people are diligent with a regular time schedule with drops and how many people think this might be a benefit.
There is an App that works with iphones and androids called EyeDROPS. Its free and it sets up a schedule of reminders throughout the day to put in drops. It was originally created for glaucoma patients and I have found it to be very beneficial for patients with ocular surface issues.
I would be interested in hearing how many people are diligent with a regular time schedule with drops and how many people think this might be a benefit.