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Platelet Rich Plasma eye drops, has anyone tried ....

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  • Platelet Rich Plasma eye drops, has anyone tried ....

    I searched the forum, and found a few entries asking about practitioners who offer this.
    'I am hoping to find someone who has tried this, for how long and how did it do?
    Specifically, these drops, made from one's own blood and made into an eye drop.
    There is an ophthalmologist in Tampa who is now doing this. I had no idea, and went to him for a second opinion on surgery. What he said was the patient's blood is drawn, and mixed with serum to make an eye drop. They are used up to three times a day for three months, decreasing the number of drops, depending on how the patient's eyes feel.
    The eye drops are frozen, and the compounding pharmacy can make up to a three month supply. The price is very high -- $475 for a 45 day supply.
    My jaw dropped when i heard the price.
    I have heard and read about prp used in facials, and other cosmetic things, as well as injected into joints. It is if I recall, still in experimental stages.

    The surgeon was vague in his answers such as how many patients are trying this. "Lots." How long doing this? Each person had a different answer from one year to two years. He can't quantify how it is working only that patients "all say their eyes feel sooooooooo much better."
    I have heard of this before, but I did not know it was being done here. I wasn't comfortable with his being so vague. But a search online shows he is not the only one and I was wondering, has anyone tried this?
    Did it help? How long did you try it for? Did you have to keep using it? This doctor, normally a surgeon and his preference is to do cosmetic surgery -- said some patients use it for a few months, stop, then use it less, some don't stop "because their eyes feel sooooooooo much better."
    I am very skeptical, because of his focus so much on cosmetics. Nothing wrong with occuloplastic surgery, but dry eye is a serious problem, and he is putting a huge price tag. The drops are made by a compounding pharmacy that has a reputation of getting into the latest trend.
    It may be the next thing to help dry eye syndrome. I read online reviews that were positive, and said it was promising. But it is not covered by insurance. And of course, because it has to do with the eyes, it's very pricey. Neither the doctor nor anyone in his office seemed to want to take the time to answer questions, just refer people to a segment done on a local news station.
    Thanks, for any feedback, insight, even a good website.

  • #2
    I wanted to add this edit -- Each person should be each person who works in his office with this doctor. I thought that was not clear. Suddenly, this posted.
    thanks again for any help.


    • #3
      I tried it for only a month. At the time I was using serum eye drops and switched to PRP. I did not notice a difference. The pharmacist told me they did a study and people generally don't notice a difference (for dry eye). It does help with healing if you have had damage to your eyes due to the growth factors. I think it cost about 75 for the PRP (not counting the DR fee), so it might be worth it for you to fly somewhere to get a cheaper deal. I traveled to Chicago.


      • #4
        There is a DR. (who cured me ) with plasma drops in Phila. The 3 month supply (I make it last longer) Ask the technician who makes the drops to give you as many drops as possible. They are given to you in refresh eye drop containers. It takes an hour to prepare the drops. I would have waited for hours each time and paid a fortune for the results I have obtained. It took 8 months of using the drops and I kept thinking "this is not working" but I soldiered on and I AM CURED! Happy to answey questions.


        • #5
          Jess, please read my post above. My name is miraculous recovery.


          • #6
            Originally posted by MGD30 View Post
            I tried it for only a month. At the time I was using serum eye drops and switched to PRP. I did not notice a difference. The pharmacist told me they did a study and people generally don't notice a difference (for dry eye). It does help with healing if you have had damage to your eyes due to the growth factors. I think it cost about 75 for the PRP (not counting the DR fee), so it might be worth it for you to fly somewhere to get a cheaper deal. I traveled to Chicago.

            Where in Chicago did you go if you don't mind me asking? They offer it at UIC and I'm thinking about trying it also.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Dowork123 View Post

              Where in Chicago did you go if you don't mind me asking? They offer it at UIC and I'm thinking about trying it also.
              It was at UIC.


              • #8
                Originally posted by MGD30 View Post

                It was at UIC.
                I saw Dr Jain at UIC...he's awesome. If you didn't notice a difference between serum, I may just go with the 50% again.


                • #9
                  Where is Dr Jain? My serum drops are 40%, do they go higher next barch? I’ve used about 6 wks, maybe some help, hard to tell?

