Well, they finally posted something about the enigmatic device, Lipiflow. From the video, the resultant MGD extractions look very similar to what happens after IPL. And mechanically, it appears to be very similar - internal heat and pressure. Good news is that this gives doctors a fancy piece of capital equipment with a hefty office visit price tag that will make them more amenable to us as patients. Sad, but true. Hopefully this will be reimbursable. And of course, if this works economically, it will attract more $$$ to this area - always good. As an MGD sufferer, I am really happy that there is a realization that dry eye is most commonly evaporative eye (estimates that 70% of dry eye is due to lipid deficiency). It appears that FDA approval is still pending. The FDA is cracking down on the up to now easy approval process for medical devices (my husband's device is in it's 3rd FDA submission revision - they are getting very picky!) and so we may not see this as soon as we would like. But it may help to start talking to your Dr about this. I know that Tear Science was at the ASCRS meeting last weekend. Hope that everyone is well.