Demodex are the actual critters themselves. They live in the sebaceous (oil) glands of the eyelid. Their activity and waste products cause inflammation of the gland, and reduce its oil output, which the patient experiences as blepharitis and evaporative dry eye. The difference between demodex and blepharitis is thus one of cause and effect.
The probability of a significant infestation increases with age, which is why, in the study on pilocarpine gel above, the researchers recruited retirement home subjects. The retirement home provided a convenient place to find subjects. Demodex also live on dogs and cats (mostly dogs), but apparently, transmission from dogs and cats to humans is apparenty rare (see Each species of mite tends to infect one kind of host animal.
The probability of a significant infestation increases with age, which is why, in the study on pilocarpine gel above, the researchers recruited retirement home subjects. The retirement home provided a convenient place to find subjects. Demodex also live on dogs and cats (mostly dogs), but apparently, transmission from dogs and cats to humans is apparenty rare (see Each species of mite tends to infect one kind of host animal.