For 15 yrs I have had problems with my eyes, white stringy mucous in over abundance. Doctor after doctor, eye drop after eye drop and yes I have always worn contacts. By accident it disappeared, and I could not for the life of me figured out what I did that was different and finally I realized what it was. I started taking Vitamins for hair , skin and nails. It stopped after the second day on the vitamins. I then did research to see what was in those pills that have stopped it. Thru intense research I believe it is Silica. I read that it removes excess mucous from your body and I must say this is the first time in 15 yrs that it is gone. Seem like your body requires it and we don't get enough, some people more than others. I know it is strange but I actually went out and bought Silica and added two extra pills to the hair skin and bones vitamins. So far it has worked. Even in the morning when I get up( that is when its usually the worse) It was the best $5.99 I ever spent.
I know everyone is looking for help to stop fishing. Hopefully I have found it>
