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  • #31
    I think pot is a double-edged sword when it comes to dry eyes: It does cause dryness, but at the same time, it takes away pain. The dryness can be minimized by drinking lots of liquids though.

    Homes, you should invest in a vaporizer if you do it often. For < $100 on eBay, you can avoid the hazards of smoking it.

    Also, I think pot can be a wonderful thing if used responsibly, and I'd recommend to anyone to look past the stigma attached to it. Everyone reacts differently to it, and it's true that some will abuse it (just like alcohol), but the main reason it became and remains illegal (at least in the U.S.) is because of powerful business interests and the negative propaganda created by them and the politicians they bankroll. Remember that the political process is deeply flawed, so don't let the law determine your own ethical standards.


    • #32
      Cameron, Homes is off the bb and away in the Netherlands doing probably what he likes to do. I doubt he'll bother using a humidifier.

      I take it you're not a conservative, eh? That's ok, I really don't mean to delve. Homes may never be back here to read your comments as he says he does not have internet in the Netherlands. Maybe he just got sick of us.?

      I see that use of Accutane caused your problems. Others have written about the same problem. Sorry, that's a shame.
      Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

      The Dry Eye Queen


      • #33

        Are you actually implying that Homes doesn't miss me?!
        Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Lucy
          Cameron, Homes is off the bb and away in the Netherlands doing probably what he likes to do.
          I'm not even going to attempt to read between THOSE lines
          Rebecca Petris
          The Dry Eye Foundation



          • #35
            Lucy, liberal or conservative, we should all be against corruption, politicization of science, etc. Yep, Accutane caused my dry eyes, and I was only on it for 40 days. Now there's a drug that's really dangerous! Also, thanks for your pity.


            • #36
              I second that: anti depressants theres a drug that is dangerous! i occasionally smoked weed and it never harmed me, my ex boyfreind smokes it all the time, despite my efforts of tring to get him to stop..but it hasn't done anything to him as bad as what antidepressants have done to me, obviously most people who are on these two drugs will be fine: think accutane less so though..
              I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:


              • #37
                The vast majority of people on accutane have no long lasting effects other than no more acne. There will always be the unlucky ones. I have taken anti-depressants in the past, only for a short amount of time, still they did not affect my eyes at all from what I can remember.

                Havent tried weed though.....maybe I should!


                • #38
                  How can you stand the smoke of weed (or any other kind for that matter - including cigarette) if you have dry eyes?

                  For me, smoke really causes severe irritations...

                  Beware, weed may indeed numb/reduce pain in your body and the cornea but is that a long term solution?.. especially knowing that the lack of corneal sensitivity can be the cause of some dry eye related diseases (neurotrophic corneas, dry eye in diabetes, post lasik, etc, etc).

                  take care,



                  • #39
                    If you're going to indulge in this excellent vice, I would recommend the Ocufresh Eye Wash if your eyes get super dry when smoking. It's done wonders for my weekend misbehavior. And my eyes stay comfy!


