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Low fat diets

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  • Low fat diets

    Greetings friends,

    I am writing to ask you whether you've had an experience with low-fat diets drying your eyes out.

    I am following a very low fat diet to maintain low levels of body fat.

    Unfortunately my eyes got drier, so I started supplementing with Theratears Nutrition daily.

    Do you believe that measure is enough? I eat little pure dietary fat, maybe a tablespoon of olive oil, and few low fat animal products.

    Thank you,


  • #2
    It's interesting that you mention this. My dry eyes started after I went on a low fat diet and lost a lot of weight -- I was skinnier than I had been in 10-15 years. However, I don't know if this diet was necessarily a cause because at the time I was also 8 months post partum, breastfeeding, and wearing my contacts a lot. So, I don't know how much hormones and contact wearing affected my dry eye.

    It's hard to tell.


    • #3
      hi tearless, and sorry to hear about your trouble!

      I'm definitely not saying that the problem can be caused entirely by diet - mine is due to LASIK surgery. However, I am wondering whether eating fat other than olive oil or omega-3s, helps dry eye. Do "bad fats" also help? because these are the ones I gave up

      I have lowered my body fat a great deal myself with the low fat diet, also by eating tremendous amounts of fruit and vegetables. I had tried low carb diets that some people here recommend, but I was feeling bad without carbs and they did not work for me. I am not sure whether my dry eye was exacerbated or not since then, but I do have persistent SPK.

