Hello, friends! I'm inspired, through private correspondence with one of our heros, here, to ask whether anyone has followed the use of Butyrate (and related compounds) in the direction of stimulating goblet cells to produce more and better mucin.
This is an area of active research in gastrointestinal medicine, and one of the Big Pharma eyedrop companies once filed for a patent on the application of Butyrate to the ocular surface mucin challenge.
I'm looking for anyone who has either tried oral supplementation with Butyrate (in hopes of addressing ocular mucin deficiency), or put some focus into determining whether that makes good sense.
For what it's worth, this area interests me because of my growing personal appreciation for the effects of high-oncotic pressure drops (Dwelle and related) on the integrity of goblet cells and corneal epithelium.
If I learn anything in this connection, I'll post again. Miss you all, and think many times a day about our endless acts of heroism in dealing with our shared disorder. Happy 2011!
This is an area of active research in gastrointestinal medicine, and one of the Big Pharma eyedrop companies once filed for a patent on the application of Butyrate to the ocular surface mucin challenge.
I'm looking for anyone who has either tried oral supplementation with Butyrate (in hopes of addressing ocular mucin deficiency), or put some focus into determining whether that makes good sense.
For what it's worth, this area interests me because of my growing personal appreciation for the effects of high-oncotic pressure drops (Dwelle and related) on the integrity of goblet cells and corneal epithelium.
If I learn anything in this connection, I'll post again. Miss you all, and think many times a day about our endless acts of heroism in dealing with our shared disorder. Happy 2011!