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Best supplement to try boost tear production?

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  • Best supplement to try boost tear production?

    I have dry eye. But a good tear film break up time over 10 seconds. My problem is I just don't produce enough tears. Anyone got any recommendations to a supplement that may help tear production? I take omega 3 fish oil and flaxseed oil already. But do these just improve the oils in the tear film? And not really boost tear production?

  • #2
    I have not heard of any supplements that boost tears--but please do let us know if you find one! Wow, you would think you wouldn't have any symptoms with a TBUT of 10s. Mine is 0. Have you tried accupuncture? It might help you. I would also recommend punctal plugs and lacriserts.


    • #3
      A TBUT of 10?!?! I'm so jealous haha. Mine is like 2-3


      • #4
        my tears are of a good quality its just I don't produce enough, 3 and 8 on the schirmers test. What would acupuncture do? I have just the last week tried lower plugs which have helped abit.


        • #5
          Hi Matt. I know you're looking for a supplement, but have your doctors mentioned prescription Restasis/Ikervis (ciclosporin)? It's supposed to address aqueous deficiency due to ocular inflammation.

          I personally found fresh lemon juice added to strong green tea was a major turnaround that helped my eyes feel more moist, and I had both severe MGD and aqueous deficiency. Somehow I think the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the lemon/tea combo gave my system what it needed to properly function. But for your system, you might need something different. It might be helpful to keep a daily diary of what you eat, drink, supplements, meds, exercise, etc. (making only one change at a time) and also note how your eyes feel each day, to methodically narrow down what makes your eyes feel better or worse.


          • #6
            I would be interested in Restasis but think its hard to get in the uk. And very expensive?


            • #7
              Hi Matt. I'm not in the U.K., but there are several posts from people in this forum from the U.K. on what's required to get Ikervis and the costs. Here's a recent post, perhaps you can get in touch with one of them if you have further questions:


