A few weeks ago, I red here on the forum of a boy who tried spirulina, and had wonderful results. This was about 3 weeks ago, well I went to go buy it and GUESS what???? It helped. I waited 3 weeks to be sure before informing you guys to be sure. I have lasik induced dry eyes, 4 intracanniculair plugs, left eye was still painful, very tired because of the dryness and my left eye has definetly improved; for the first time in years I can look with both my eyes again, before I closed my left eye because it was always tired. Ofcours they are not healed, but the eye is defenitly wetter after only 3 weeks. So I assume that for a milder form it will even give more benefit. I already felt improvement after a week. So please try it, it is not expensive.( in belgium)
For the moment I take 4 tablets of 400mg. My pot is empty now and tomorrow I will buy chlorella, which has even a better effect on the body and will take more tablets. I already did some research on it and it's the most complete pill you can take, they include gla, beta-caroteen, a lot of minerals, vitamins,.....There are so many benefits from it, my skin is beautiful again, i have a lot of energy,....
Please do some research yourself on the internet...
I'll keep posting my evolution And now I will copy something I found on the internet.
Bij een vrouw met chronisch ontstoken ooglenzen werd na 3 jaar regelmatig gebruik van Chlorella door haar oogarts vastgesteld dat haar oogklachten geheel waren verdwenen. Een aantal jaren later kreeg ze last van droge ogen, waartegen geen remedie gevonden kon worden. Ze nam ‘s morgens een hoge dosering van 100 tabletten en na 2 dagen waren haar klachten verdwenen. Sindsdien neemt ze 1 x per week een hoge dosis Chlorella en heeft ze ook minder last van haar allergie tegen katten, honden, huisstoffen en pollen.
I know this is dutch, but it tells us about a women who had dry eyes and she took chlorella in a very high amount, 100 tablets and after 2 days her eyes improved completely. I know this could be exagerated, but still... it' s worth a try for all of us. And the rest of the text I can't translate because I don't know enough english.
A few weeks ago, I red here on the forum of a boy who tried spirulina, and had wonderful results. This was about 3 weeks ago, well I went to go buy it and GUESS what???? It helped. I waited 3 weeks to be sure before informing you guys to be sure. I have lasik induced dry eyes, 4 intracanniculair plugs, left eye was still painful, very tired because of the dryness and my left eye has definetly improved; for the first time in years I can look with both my eyes again, before I closed my left eye because it was always tired. Ofcours they are not healed, but the eye is defenitly wetter after only 3 weeks. So I assume that for a milder form it will even give more benefit. I already felt improvement after a week. So please try it, it is not expensive.( in belgium)
For the moment I take 4 tablets of 400mg. My pot is empty now and tomorrow I will buy chlorella, which has even a better effect on the body and will take more tablets. I already did some research on it and it's the most complete pill you can take, they include gla, beta-caroteen, a lot of minerals, vitamins,.....There are so many benefits from it, my skin is beautiful again, i have a lot of energy,....
Please do some research yourself on the internet...
I'll keep posting my evolution And now I will copy something I found on the internet.
Bij een vrouw met chronisch ontstoken ooglenzen werd na 3 jaar regelmatig gebruik van Chlorella door haar oogarts vastgesteld dat haar oogklachten geheel waren verdwenen. Een aantal jaren later kreeg ze last van droge ogen, waartegen geen remedie gevonden kon worden. Ze nam ‘s morgens een hoge dosering van 100 tabletten en na 2 dagen waren haar klachten verdwenen. Sindsdien neemt ze 1 x per week een hoge dosis Chlorella en heeft ze ook minder last van haar allergie tegen katten, honden, huisstoffen en pollen.
I know this is dutch, but it tells us about a women who had dry eyes and she took chlorella in a very high amount, 100 tablets and after 2 days her eyes improved completely. I know this could be exagerated, but still... it' s worth a try for all of us. And the rest of the text I can't translate because I don't know enough english.