I was told by my corneal surgeon to use Muro at night after having puncture treatments to repair a torn cornea back in February. He has told me to continue using it since it is the only ointment/gel/drops I have tried that get me through at least 3-4 hours sleep before needing refreshing - and occasionally a whole 6 hours sleep. It leaves my eyes red and burning in the morning but a warm saline soaked cotton ball on each eye for 10-20 minutes or enough Systane Free drops takes care of that.
I just wondered if anyone else uses it or has used it for an extended period. I am going to ask the eye doc next time if it could possibly be making my tear film break down faster/be more unstable. 2 docs have ok'd using it but I haven't asked that specific question.......
I just wondered if anyone else uses it or has used it for an extended period. I am going to ask the eye doc next time if it could possibly be making my tear film break down faster/be more unstable. 2 docs have ok'd using it but I haven't asked that specific question.......