I've bought some Refresh Tears, .5% with Sodium carboxymethlcellulose and purite as a conservative. I don't see anywhere if it's like the old visine which constricts the blood vessels and makes them larger ultimately with repeated use. Also, is it ok to use this Refresh Tears with contacts? All the information about it is in a foreign language (except Allergan Refresh) as I've been travelling overseas. Hope you can help.
I've bought some Refresh Tears, .5% with Sodium carboxymethlcellulose and purite as a conservative. I don't see anywhere if it's like the old visine which constricts the blood vessels and makes them larger ultimately with repeated use. Also, is it ok to use this Refresh Tears with contacts? All the information about it is in a foreign language (except Allergan Refresh) as I've been travelling overseas. Hope you can help.