I was prescribed FML steroid drops last Friday by an ophthalmologist in whom I have very little trust (see other thread!)
Today I went to see my GP to discuss my concerns about all this, in particular the use of the steroid drop which contains preservatives, to which I believe I may be sensitive or allergic.
He tried to allay my fears by saying that FML is a 'weak' steroid and it is not uncommon to be on it for several weeks - despite the label saying not to use it for more than a week without supervision by a doctor (he indicated this is merely the drug company trying to cover its own back). He said my eyes are very inflamed and seemed to be of the opinion that without having a proven allergy to BAK, I should use the drop for now and speak to my opticians (appointment in 2 weeks) about my concerns.
Regarding getting a referral to someone more specialised in ocular surface disorders for a second opinion, he is again leaving that up to the opticians to sort out, so I'm going to have to wait, once again.
Feeling very anxious about it all. My eyes are red and inflamed, not quite as sore as they were a month or so ago, although it varies day to day and they are still very dry at times. I will see how the steroids do. The one thing I am reading about is the rebound effect if you stop them too abruptly and I really don't know anything about this. I suppose now I've started I'll have to keep going and just see what happens, for two weeks anyway.
Today I went to see my GP to discuss my concerns about all this, in particular the use of the steroid drop which contains preservatives, to which I believe I may be sensitive or allergic.
He tried to allay my fears by saying that FML is a 'weak' steroid and it is not uncommon to be on it for several weeks - despite the label saying not to use it for more than a week without supervision by a doctor (he indicated this is merely the drug company trying to cover its own back). He said my eyes are very inflamed and seemed to be of the opinion that without having a proven allergy to BAK, I should use the drop for now and speak to my opticians (appointment in 2 weeks) about my concerns.
Regarding getting a referral to someone more specialised in ocular surface disorders for a second opinion, he is again leaving that up to the opticians to sort out, so I'm going to have to wait, once again.
Feeling very anxious about it all. My eyes are red and inflamed, not quite as sore as they were a month or so ago, although it varies day to day and they are still very dry at times. I will see how the steroids do. The one thing I am reading about is the rebound effect if you stop them too abruptly and I really don't know anything about this. I suppose now I've started I'll have to keep going and just see what happens, for two weeks anyway.
