For anyone who wishes to see the Boston Scleral lenses "in action" and wants to know more about the Boston Foundation, I have (with BFS permission) uploaded a few television segments (CBS Evening News, Inside Edition, Good Morning America, Oprah) to google video here:
Keep in mind that these clips show a DIFFERENT application of the lenses (keratoconus, SJ syndrome) than the one most DEZ members are searching for, so the "miracle" results you see in these patients may not apply to you specifically. However, the videos are informative, and they introduce the viewer to the lenses, how they are made, what they look like, and the BFS "cast of characters." Thought some of you might be interested.
I have part II of this (had to break them up due to size restraints with google), which I will upload if there is demand.
Keep in mind that these clips show a DIFFERENT application of the lenses (keratoconus, SJ syndrome) than the one most DEZ members are searching for, so the "miracle" results you see in these patients may not apply to you specifically. However, the videos are informative, and they introduce the viewer to the lenses, how they are made, what they look like, and the BFS "cast of characters." Thought some of you might be interested.
I have part II of this (had to break them up due to size restraints with google), which I will upload if there is demand.