Hoepfully someone experienced with sclerals can help me or give me a suggestion...
Since a few weeks I got Boston sclerals in a try to manage my dry eye problems (MGD, blepharitis, allergies). I ordered them in the Netherlands where I live. The good thing is that my eyes turn very white after 5 minutes inserting them. Wow, that looks beautiful! They are always so pink or red… I do get relief, I feel that my cornea is better but….
I feel my upper eyelids (inside) after a few hours of wearing them. This is the case more in my right eye which is in the worst condition. Also, after getting them out, my eyes turn red immediately. I can’t say that they feel comfortable after wearing them like I read from others. My eyelids tend to feel more inflamed? If I wear them 2 days for about 7-8 hours, my eyes have to 'recover' a few days of wearing them.
My doctor says the fitting is perfect and they look very good while having them in. His possible explanation:
- allergy for the liquid I use when storing them (it includes preservatives), despite the fact that I rinse and fill them with saline before inserting
- build up scheme was too ambitious, better build up gradually to 6 hours, wearing them 2 weeks for 6 hours per day and build up with 1 hour every week
- I used saline drops to moisten my sclerals every 2 hours, saline can be drying, maybe better to use another drop?
What do you think? I appreciate your opinion.
Since a few weeks I got Boston sclerals in a try to manage my dry eye problems (MGD, blepharitis, allergies). I ordered them in the Netherlands where I live. The good thing is that my eyes turn very white after 5 minutes inserting them. Wow, that looks beautiful! They are always so pink or red… I do get relief, I feel that my cornea is better but….
I feel my upper eyelids (inside) after a few hours of wearing them. This is the case more in my right eye which is in the worst condition. Also, after getting them out, my eyes turn red immediately. I can’t say that they feel comfortable after wearing them like I read from others. My eyelids tend to feel more inflamed? If I wear them 2 days for about 7-8 hours, my eyes have to 'recover' a few days of wearing them.
My doctor says the fitting is perfect and they look very good while having them in. His possible explanation:
- allergy for the liquid I use when storing them (it includes preservatives), despite the fact that I rinse and fill them with saline before inserting
- build up scheme was too ambitious, better build up gradually to 6 hours, wearing them 2 weeks for 6 hours per day and build up with 1 hour every week
- I used saline drops to moisten my sclerals every 2 hours, saline can be drying, maybe better to use another drop?
What do you think? I appreciate your opinion.