Here is my story...
In 2003 I was in the Army, during basic training (at the very end :sadface
I got conjunctivitis in BOTH eyes. At first it was just pink eye so they gave me gentamyacin (sp) and motrin for the fever. Two days later, it started. I started getting red bumps all over my body, my eyes were getting worse so I had to go back to the hospital. The eye dr there said it was SJS and admitted me to emergency right then and there. About an hour later, they told me they could not do anything so they had to ship me from Ft Jackson to Ft Gordon in Georgia, I was there for 2 days until my skin started to fall off. I was air evacuated from Ft Gordon Georgia to Ft Sam Houston in San Antonio and was in ICU for a month. It has now been 6 years and still dealing with eye issues. I have severe dry eyes in both eyes (right eye being worse) and they are always inflammed, and red. Eye lashes always grow in bad places so I am always having to pluck my eye lashes that scratch my eyes. They get infected quite a bit, and always having oily fluid that comes out of my eye. I know it sounds gross, I am very new to this forum, but I have seen several ophthomologist's and just don't know what to do to help myself so I am not always in pain, and can have clear vision with no scratching or red eye. Thanks for reading this, I look forward to hearing some ideas or advice. Thanks again!
side note: I apologize if I miss spelled some words, I am at work and trying to type this up real quick. Thanks!
In 2003 I was in the Army, during basic training (at the very end :sadface

side note: I apologize if I miss spelled some words, I am at work and trying to type this up real quick. Thanks!