Hi, i have been reading for some days the forum, and i find it very encouraging, and a relief to be in touch with people with similar symptoms..
I am a 23 year old male from Argentina, Buenos Aires.. if you are willing to read it may bore you or maybe not
Like a lot of people around here, i thought i was the only one with this issue.. so it is quite conforting when i started reading, and therefore thinking i was not so crazy after all.. since everybody minimizes dry eye, as you sure know.
My story began in september 2007, since then, i have been to 35 doctors of different kinds..
I thought that the incompetence was exclusive from my country at first, but now i realise its worldwide.. that's a relief
I had blood tests (5) and everything was fine, nothing out of normal..
So no diagnosis.. and started to give several treatments with no effects (ciclosporine, patanol, topical corticosteroids, puntum plugs as well as my dear friend systane..)
Besides my default dry eye i got a viral conuntivitis (it is hell for a normal person, but for a dry eye sufferer its like nothing, cause you know sonner or later it will eventualy get away), i assume that it happened for using topical ciclosporine..
So this was the beggining of my depression.. I couldnt get out of my house for a month.. my eyes were REALLY inflamated.., i couldnt recongnize my face anymore.
They gave me a systemic cortcosteroid (Decadron)..
And ALL my symptoms suddenly started to vanish !.. i couldn believe my dry eyes were gone too.. but the effect only lasted 7 days..
And optician said it was allergy, so i went to an allergist but he said it wasnt because my serum igE was normal..
Then other dry eye especialist ordered me to do an study of specific eye igE, it was a little above the normal standard, but his treatments didnt work out as well..(alket, alrex, ciclosporine AGAIN).
Some doctors started to talk about reumatic dissease.. so i started reading and feel petrified..
Others directly said that i had primary sjogren sindrome..
I april of 2009 .. i was given systemic corticosteroid pills and metrotexate as "empirical" treatment
i dont know what caused it if the deppresion + immunomodulators or what , but i had to be in the hospital for one week with endovenous antibiotics, cause a normal throat infection didnt want to go away..
Not to mention that some started to think about HIV
Well.. out of the clinic, i began to realise that the profesionals were far away from the truth and knowledge.. so i started my own desperated research
and come to the conclusion that it was allergy and went to 2 more allergists, it almost was my final stand..
They performed a prick test, and i resulted allergic to dust, pollen, and fungus..
One of them started Allergy shots (inmunoteraphy)..
The other is an specialist of eye allergies and (this is something i havent read here) is giving me topical inmunotherapy treatment.. What do i mean?, antigens in teardrops, that i have to put in my eyes everyday in increasing concentration as the time passes by
I have been doing for this for 6 months, i had a lot of secondary effects (flu, skin eruptions, Geographic tongue), and realised that i had been really alergic all my life without noticing it.. somedays i breath better, some i am worst.. very few days i noticed positive changes in my eyes, but i dont know if it is my mind.. i have lost a lot all these years, girls, my career, friends, will to be.. at the same time i gained A LOT of self confidence and knowledge about myself, disseases, tenacity means and patience, that it will be very good for the rest of my life if i solve this problem..
What will happen?, who knows.. i will update my status if i improve, i hope it will be soon.
if anyone has allergy doubts, you can contact me, and maybe i can help out
My question is.. does MGD has conection with allergies?
Allergy ---> MGD --> dry eye
or like i think now..
Allergy --->igE -->histamine--> dry eye
i mean..does any dry eye syndrome have conection with MGD?? i was never mentioned MGD..
Thanks for reading.
I am a 23 year old male from Argentina, Buenos Aires.. if you are willing to read it may bore you or maybe not
Like a lot of people around here, i thought i was the only one with this issue.. so it is quite conforting when i started reading, and therefore thinking i was not so crazy after all.. since everybody minimizes dry eye, as you sure know.
My story began in september 2007, since then, i have been to 35 doctors of different kinds..
I thought that the incompetence was exclusive from my country at first, but now i realise its worldwide.. that's a relief

I had blood tests (5) and everything was fine, nothing out of normal..
So no diagnosis.. and started to give several treatments with no effects (ciclosporine, patanol, topical corticosteroids, puntum plugs as well as my dear friend systane..)
Besides my default dry eye i got a viral conuntivitis (it is hell for a normal person, but for a dry eye sufferer its like nothing, cause you know sonner or later it will eventualy get away), i assume that it happened for using topical ciclosporine..
So this was the beggining of my depression.. I couldnt get out of my house for a month.. my eyes were REALLY inflamated.., i couldnt recongnize my face anymore.

They gave me a systemic cortcosteroid (Decadron)..
And ALL my symptoms suddenly started to vanish !.. i couldn believe my dry eyes were gone too.. but the effect only lasted 7 days..

And optician said it was allergy, so i went to an allergist but he said it wasnt because my serum igE was normal..
Then other dry eye especialist ordered me to do an study of specific eye igE, it was a little above the normal standard, but his treatments didnt work out as well..(alket, alrex, ciclosporine AGAIN).
Some doctors started to talk about reumatic dissease.. so i started reading and feel petrified..
Others directly said that i had primary sjogren sindrome..

I april of 2009 .. i was given systemic corticosteroid pills and metrotexate as "empirical" treatment
i dont know what caused it if the deppresion + immunomodulators or what , but i had to be in the hospital for one week with endovenous antibiotics, cause a normal throat infection didnt want to go away..
Not to mention that some started to think about HIV
Well.. out of the clinic, i began to realise that the profesionals were far away from the truth and knowledge.. so i started my own desperated research
and come to the conclusion that it was allergy and went to 2 more allergists, it almost was my final stand..
They performed a prick test, and i resulted allergic to dust, pollen, and fungus..
One of them started Allergy shots (inmunoteraphy)..
The other is an specialist of eye allergies and (this is something i havent read here) is giving me topical inmunotherapy treatment.. What do i mean?, antigens in teardrops, that i have to put in my eyes everyday in increasing concentration as the time passes by
I have been doing for this for 6 months, i had a lot of secondary effects (flu, skin eruptions, Geographic tongue), and realised that i had been really alergic all my life without noticing it.. somedays i breath better, some i am worst.. very few days i noticed positive changes in my eyes, but i dont know if it is my mind.. i have lost a lot all these years, girls, my career, friends, will to be.. at the same time i gained A LOT of self confidence and knowledge about myself, disseases, tenacity means and patience, that it will be very good for the rest of my life if i solve this problem..
What will happen?, who knows.. i will update my status if i improve, i hope it will be soon.
if anyone has allergy doubts, you can contact me, and maybe i can help out
My question is.. does MGD has conection with allergies?
Allergy ---> MGD --> dry eye
or like i think now..
Allergy --->igE -->histamine--> dry eye
i mean..does any dry eye syndrome have conection with MGD?? i was never mentioned MGD..
Thanks for reading.