Hello everyone,
In March 2009 I had LASIK monovision. (age 41) Dominant eye did heal to plano, but close-up eye got more astigmatism and I had NO close-up vision. Dry Eye immediately set in. February 2010 I had a touch up in the close-up eye, did not help AT ALL! Surgeon says it didn't appear that I had any dry eye. Wish he could experience what we're all going through! I am going to end all contact with the surgeon and his optometrists and see a new opthamologist.
I have tried so many things couldn't begin to list them. Currently hoping for cauterization with the new Dr. Could not tolerate Restasis.
Lost my job for missing too many days due to dry eye. Would like to find a new job but terrified. Gain a lot of weight on the anti-depressants, now on St. John's Wart. Thought about suicide daily for about 6 months. That has finally passed!
Questions: 1. Thinking about trying RGP's to eliminate the trifocals, sounds like everyone here says dry eye has to be in control first. Anyone ever had numbing drops sent home with them to get used to the hard lenses?
2. Does the low light vision ever improve?
3. Has anyone went through a 3rd surgery? My thought is the dry eye cannot get any worse. I am not convinced it is the right thing to do, but having trifocals has really thown me for a loop. It reminds me daily of the stupid decision I made to have LASIK.
Thank you for allowing me to read all your stories. Everyone thinks I'm crazy around here, but I wouldn't wish this on anyone, except the LASIK surgeon, dealing with some anger yet
In March 2009 I had LASIK monovision. (age 41) Dominant eye did heal to plano, but close-up eye got more astigmatism and I had NO close-up vision. Dry Eye immediately set in. February 2010 I had a touch up in the close-up eye, did not help AT ALL! Surgeon says it didn't appear that I had any dry eye. Wish he could experience what we're all going through! I am going to end all contact with the surgeon and his optometrists and see a new opthamologist.
I have tried so many things couldn't begin to list them. Currently hoping for cauterization with the new Dr. Could not tolerate Restasis.
Lost my job for missing too many days due to dry eye. Would like to find a new job but terrified. Gain a lot of weight on the anti-depressants, now on St. John's Wart. Thought about suicide daily for about 6 months. That has finally passed!
Questions: 1. Thinking about trying RGP's to eliminate the trifocals, sounds like everyone here says dry eye has to be in control first. Anyone ever had numbing drops sent home with them to get used to the hard lenses?
2. Does the low light vision ever improve?
3. Has anyone went through a 3rd surgery? My thought is the dry eye cannot get any worse. I am not convinced it is the right thing to do, but having trifocals has really thown me for a loop. It reminds me daily of the stupid decision I made to have LASIK.
Thank you for allowing me to read all your stories. Everyone thinks I'm crazy around here, but I wouldn't wish this on anyone, except the LASIK surgeon, dealing with some anger yet
