Hello, my name is Angela. I'm 27 years old, and I have SLE (Lupus), RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis), ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease), High Blood Pressure, and I am on PD (Peritoneal Dialysis). Most of the things above themselves cause dry eyes. Before 1999 everything with my eyes was normal, except for the fact i wore contacts. I had no problems like dry eyes or anything. In 1999 I had a kidney transplant, when i woke up from the surgery my eyes were infected (conjuctivitis). It came and went for several months, almost a whole year. Finally when the infection stayed away, the problem of dry eyes came along. The infections left scars on my eyes, and "little exploding volcanoes" on my corneas, as the doctor described it, which in turn helped produce the dry eyes. I lived in Las Vegas, NV at the time, which didn't help my eyes with the dryness there. I have seen MANY (over 20) opthamologists, and nobody has been able to help me yet. So far we have tried, artificial tear eye drops (preservitive-free), all different kinds/brands... no help, plugging my bottom tear ducts, no help.... scrapping my right eye, no help, Restasis eye drops, no help, I use an eye ointment at nighttime, no help.
My eyes produce a slimy, stringy, mucus substance ALL day, I am constinatly in the mirror wiping it out so I can see. I have to carry a box of kleenex with me at ALL times, as I have to wipe my eyes every 30-60 seconds LITERALLY because of excessive tearing and it blurs my vision. When I am in public, people are always asking "Are you ok?, Are you crying??" because of this... and when I am at home, it's hard for me to play with my children because I always need to wipe my eyes.
This has been this bad for almost a year and a half now, and NOBODY can help me... there has to be SOMETHING I can do? Use? Ugh! This is so frustrating.... Is there anybody out there going through this this bad? Is there any relief? Any hope? Any help?
I currently just moved to Iowa, so now I am in search of an opthamologist here so i can be seen and hopefully try something new and something that WORKS.
Thanks for listening.
My eyes produce a slimy, stringy, mucus substance ALL day, I am constinatly in the mirror wiping it out so I can see. I have to carry a box of kleenex with me at ALL times, as I have to wipe my eyes every 30-60 seconds LITERALLY because of excessive tearing and it blurs my vision. When I am in public, people are always asking "Are you ok?, Are you crying??" because of this... and when I am at home, it's hard for me to play with my children because I always need to wipe my eyes.

I currently just moved to Iowa, so now I am in search of an opthamologist here so i can be seen and hopefully try something new and something that WORKS.
Thanks for listening.