Hello everyone,
In Oct. of last year I started to have a burning sensation in my eyes ALL the time. I have seen one optometrist, three different opthomologists, and one corneal specialist. The first opthomologist said that I wasn't producing enough tears. I measured 7mm in one eye and 5 in another.
My optometrist that I saw believed it was MGD. He told me to apply hot compresses to my lids and to lid scrubs. He saw me back in three weeks with no improvement. I didn't like him, he only spent about four minutes with me on each visit.
Then I went to an ancient opthomologist who said I was producing tears but that I was "no speedy gonzalez". He recommended a flurry of different drops.
Finally, I saw a different opthomologist who prescribed restasis and told me to only Thera Tears. I also like Soothe drops. We tried temporary plugs, but they didn't seem to help me that much.
Anyway, my eyes seem to be getting better. My question is WHAT was causing this? I did go on an antidepressant after my eye problems started and that made it worse, so I stopped the Celexa. Before my dry eye symptoms started I was contact lens intolerant.
Anyway, slowly, my eyes seem to be getting better - I'm only putting drops in three times a day or so, and the other day I only needed them twice.
Here is what I'm doing:
- Thera Tears and Soothe Drops
- Flax Seed Oil - 6000 mg daily
- Fish Oil - 2000 mg daily
- Primrose Oil - 2000 mg daily
- Borage Oil - 2000 mg daily
- Eating fish three times a week
- Bio Tears Capsules
- Restasis (almost three months on)
- Goggles when I'm outside
- Humidifier in the bedroom
- Gentle Hot Compress twice a day
I'm just asking what people think of my story....sorry for all my spelling mistakes
PS - I'm a twenty year old male and I've been "tested" for a number of auto immune diseases...
In Oct. of last year I started to have a burning sensation in my eyes ALL the time. I have seen one optometrist, three different opthomologists, and one corneal specialist. The first opthomologist said that I wasn't producing enough tears. I measured 7mm in one eye and 5 in another.
My optometrist that I saw believed it was MGD. He told me to apply hot compresses to my lids and to lid scrubs. He saw me back in three weeks with no improvement. I didn't like him, he only spent about four minutes with me on each visit.
Then I went to an ancient opthomologist who said I was producing tears but that I was "no speedy gonzalez". He recommended a flurry of different drops.
Finally, I saw a different opthomologist who prescribed restasis and told me to only Thera Tears. I also like Soothe drops. We tried temporary plugs, but they didn't seem to help me that much.
Anyway, my eyes seem to be getting better. My question is WHAT was causing this? I did go on an antidepressant after my eye problems started and that made it worse, so I stopped the Celexa. Before my dry eye symptoms started I was contact lens intolerant.
Anyway, slowly, my eyes seem to be getting better - I'm only putting drops in three times a day or so, and the other day I only needed them twice.
Here is what I'm doing:
- Thera Tears and Soothe Drops
- Flax Seed Oil - 6000 mg daily
- Fish Oil - 2000 mg daily
- Primrose Oil - 2000 mg daily
- Borage Oil - 2000 mg daily
- Eating fish three times a week
- Bio Tears Capsules
- Restasis (almost three months on)
- Goggles when I'm outside
- Humidifier in the bedroom
- Gentle Hot Compress twice a day
I'm just asking what people think of my story....sorry for all my spelling mistakes

PS - I'm a twenty year old male and I've been "tested" for a number of auto immune diseases...