First I wanna thank you for having a site like this with so much activity It must have been really tough for people when internet didn't exsist and you couldn't speak out openly like this to nice people and ask for things, and instead had to go to a arrogant douche doctor.
Ok, here goes my story. In september 2010 I started with accutane (a strong medication for acne) and I was on it for 9 months. Under the period I felt that I had really dry eyes but since it's a side effect I wasn't too worried and thought that it would all dissappear as soon as I quited it. But I have to admit that I was a bit suspicious because people said things like "yeah, I also got dry eyes but it's not like it's super super annoying", but for me it really was, really painful. So I knew they didn't have as much problems as I did. It has gone 3 weeks since I quited and I feel no different in my eyes and I really doubt it will get better.
This makes me so depressed, you have no idea. I have been at the bottom of the bottom of the bottom for I don't know for how many years and when I FINALLY was ready to start live again, because I had successful results with accutane, I get this. Just great, just great... I already felt that I was running out of energy before my accutane cure but managed to get through it but now when I realize that I will live with these dry eyes for maybe the rest of my life (I'm 20), there's litterally no energy at all left in me.
Some info that might be relevant: red eyes. When I look to either site it hurts. I can barely look someone in the eyes without it hurting and my eyes feeling insanely dry. Right now just by being at the computer is very hard.
I have not been to a doctor yet. I don't know who I should go to, I want to visit a specialist and not someone who will just say "use waterdrops and it will all dissappear", because it dont. I used different waterdrops under the cure but it didn't get better, more like worse after a while. Who should I visit for the best help as possible?
I just want some really straight and honest answers from you all. Is it possible to get away from it, somehow? I want the absolutely best advice from you how to make it better, money is NOT an issue so give me the absolute best thing that there is. Is operation a good thing? I read somewhere here that a person got Minocycline from a doctor and when he ate it, all problems completely dissappeared, only for 9 days though and then got back to normal for her/him. Is this maybe something for me? Maybe I'm a bit more luckier? (hahahahhahahahhah I don't even know what luck means)
I hate my life so much
First I wanna thank you for having a site like this with so much activity It must have been really tough for people when internet didn't exsist and you couldn't speak out openly like this to nice people and ask for things, and instead had to go to a arrogant douche doctor.
Ok, here goes my story. In september 2010 I started with accutane (a strong medication for acne) and I was on it for 9 months. Under the period I felt that I had really dry eyes but since it's a side effect I wasn't too worried and thought that it would all dissappear as soon as I quited it. But I have to admit that I was a bit suspicious because people said things like "yeah, I also got dry eyes but it's not like it's super super annoying", but for me it really was, really painful. So I knew they didn't have as much problems as I did. It has gone 3 weeks since I quited and I feel no different in my eyes and I really doubt it will get better.
This makes me so depressed, you have no idea. I have been at the bottom of the bottom of the bottom for I don't know for how many years and when I FINALLY was ready to start live again, because I had successful results with accutane, I get this. Just great, just great... I already felt that I was running out of energy before my accutane cure but managed to get through it but now when I realize that I will live with these dry eyes for maybe the rest of my life (I'm 20), there's litterally no energy at all left in me.
Some info that might be relevant: red eyes. When I look to either site it hurts. I can barely look someone in the eyes without it hurting and my eyes feeling insanely dry. Right now just by being at the computer is very hard.
I have not been to a doctor yet. I don't know who I should go to, I want to visit a specialist and not someone who will just say "use waterdrops and it will all dissappear", because it dont. I used different waterdrops under the cure but it didn't get better, more like worse after a while. Who should I visit for the best help as possible?
I just want some really straight and honest answers from you all. Is it possible to get away from it, somehow? I want the absolutely best advice from you how to make it better, money is NOT an issue so give me the absolute best thing that there is. Is operation a good thing? I read somewhere here that a person got Minocycline from a doctor and when he ate it, all problems completely dissappeared, only for 9 days though and then got back to normal for her/him. Is this maybe something for me? Maybe I'm a bit more luckier? (hahahahhahahahhah I don't even know what luck means)
I hate my life so much