My dry eye was pretty non-exsistant... for the first time in nearly a year! I'd had constant discomfort, and I mean constant... since last December, and then at the beginning of October, its just went away and for the first time in ages I was living my life abit again and feeling abit more hopeful for the future.
Then, last week, I got quite emotionally stressed out about something, and its come back and i've been in discomfort again ever since last Thursday.
I'm taking it pretty hard. I was really looking forward to having a better Christmas than last and felt more positive. I knew that there was a possibilty that dry eye just going on its on seemed too good to be true. I have tried to stay relaxed since and its not going anywhere and my depression has slowly crept back over the past few days. Im pretty gutted.
I hadn't changed a single thing, so I don't really know what to do to improve my situation. But it kinda sucks being the only 22 year old I know in discomfort with dry eye which I still associate as an 'older person' thing. And im finding myself a little jealous of everyone who has normal eyes, normal healthy eye whites because I feel so abnormal and that nobody my age would know what im going through.
One thing I did think aswell, is that my eye problem started I also noticed oily skin but with flakey patches around my hairline and my eyebrows. I've always wondered if this is related. :/
Then, last week, I got quite emotionally stressed out about something, and its come back and i've been in discomfort again ever since last Thursday.

One thing I did think aswell, is that my eye problem started I also noticed oily skin but with flakey patches around my hairline and my eyebrows. I've always wondered if this is related. :/