Originally posted by bubbles06
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I went through a VERY SIMILAR ORDEAL! I thought I was going to have red eyes forever. In fact, I took time off from work to deal with this. So here is the thing: doctors can only tell you what they know from their treatment diagnosis books. You know yourself best, and it appears that you have developed red eyes from whitening drop overuse in addition to steroid drop use.
I got better when I stopped ALL STEROIDS. Those lubricant drops help a little by removing dust and particles in our eyes, but they do not contain nutrients like our natural tears.
Also, most fish oil contains mercury and in my experience it hasn't helped one iota with my eye problem. What helped was taking Taurine and L-Arginine supplements. I used Solcoseryl eye gel to heal my eyes from the initial sting from steroid drop usage, then I switched to Vitamin E oil drops (the oral kind you can take internally, not the beauty skin kind).
Anyhow, don't fret, your eyes will get better! And really, it's up to you to decide what to do with YOUR EYES. Doctors aren't always right and sometimes they just don't know. When taking orders from another person, even a doctor, remember to be as informed as possible about all your choices.
Logan x
PS. Any doctor telling you to take ibuprophen 6x a day is just plain mad. That can seriously damage your liver!