Hi guys,
My name is Daniel, I am 22 years old and I think I have multiple chalazia under my right eye. The reason why I say 'I think' is because still after one and a half years of researching and going to several doctors, I have gotten mixed and vague answers which were not really helpful. Right now, the red and hard swelling in my under eyelid could be one chalazion, multiple chalazia, still a stye or maybe a form of blepharitis? I am even starting to think that it might be just a scar (a hard thick and red scar?) from the several surgeries I have had in the hospital. I will go to the hospital AGAIN this thursday, but let me start by telling my story.
In march 2013, I got a very big swollen and inflamed red spot which covered my whole right eye. I went to the local doctor which said that it will go away on its own and that I should use warm compresses to help decrease the inflammation. It was extremely painful and lasted serveral weeks before it became less. After this, the red swelling that I still have today remained under my eyelid. A different local doctor adviced me to try many eye drops, creams, antibiotic pills etc, but non seem to help. Finally in december, I got sent to the hospital were they investigated my eye. I remember the doctor giving me a piece of paper which said: Blepharitis (Chalazion). I had two small surgeries to remove the remaining dirt out of the chalazion (?). Both of the times, it did not do anything, only leaving me with a lot of pain (and a high bill...)
I could feel that the doctors were starting to get a bit unsure after the second time that the surgery did not have the desired results. They send me away with three packages of antibiotic creme (creme that I had already been using for a long time) and with the advice that I should keep my eyes clean at all times, using warm compresses and the cream (nothing different from what I was already doing).
This is when I started to do a lot of self research. I tried to clean my eye with camille tea, both in the morning and in the evening using an eye bath. I clean my eyes with Blepha Plus cleaning wipes, which do feel quite nice. I have started to take Turmeric pills every day beleiving that the chalazion (I will call it chalazion for now) might be caused by something from the inside. I have tried to clean my eyes with baby shampoo aswell, warm compresses etc, but none seem to really help.
Last but certainly not least, I have treated my eyes for over a month with tea tree oil. This in perticular is the first thing which I noticed that DID make a difference. But there are some downfalls to it. First of all, tea tree oil feels extremely heavy and stingy on the eyes. I applied it during the morning and the evening, but soon already realised that this was way too much, and that the sensitive skin under my eyes could not take it, resulting in more redness and swelling. After applying it only in the evening, combining it with a little bit of warm water (after cleaning my eyes with a warm compress, and Bleph plus wipes) for a month, my chalazion did seem to finally react to something. I would have one really good day, followed by three really bad days. Maybe two good days, followed by still four really bad days. At a certain point I felt that the bad days were getting worse, and last saturday my whole eye was swollen again, reminding me of the time when I first got it. This is when I stopped using tea tree oil.
My chalazion is now back to the way it was. it feels very hard and it does not seem to hurt at all? When a red spot is inflamed, I guess that it is supposed to hurt right? Why is my chalazion not hurting at all? It does not react to anything, it is just there? I now start to think that it might be a form of a scar? But then again, I do have some doubts about that aswell.
Conclusion is, I am completely out of ideas how to get rid of it. I feel that the doctors do not want to help me anymore (they said it is just 'bad luck'). For over a year, I have felt insecurities about my appearance, not wanting to look people in the eye anymore, and hating to get ready in the morning, being confronted by my eye everyday. It is taking up all of my time, and it is just exhausting me.
Thanks for taking your time to read through all of this. I hope it maybe helps someone, or gives some ideas. If anyone has any tips, please let me know. I will keep you guys updated within this thread
My name is Daniel, I am 22 years old and I think I have multiple chalazia under my right eye. The reason why I say 'I think' is because still after one and a half years of researching and going to several doctors, I have gotten mixed and vague answers which were not really helpful. Right now, the red and hard swelling in my under eyelid could be one chalazion, multiple chalazia, still a stye or maybe a form of blepharitis? I am even starting to think that it might be just a scar (a hard thick and red scar?) from the several surgeries I have had in the hospital. I will go to the hospital AGAIN this thursday, but let me start by telling my story.
In march 2013, I got a very big swollen and inflamed red spot which covered my whole right eye. I went to the local doctor which said that it will go away on its own and that I should use warm compresses to help decrease the inflammation. It was extremely painful and lasted serveral weeks before it became less. After this, the red swelling that I still have today remained under my eyelid. A different local doctor adviced me to try many eye drops, creams, antibiotic pills etc, but non seem to help. Finally in december, I got sent to the hospital were they investigated my eye. I remember the doctor giving me a piece of paper which said: Blepharitis (Chalazion). I had two small surgeries to remove the remaining dirt out of the chalazion (?). Both of the times, it did not do anything, only leaving me with a lot of pain (and a high bill...)
I could feel that the doctors were starting to get a bit unsure after the second time that the surgery did not have the desired results. They send me away with three packages of antibiotic creme (creme that I had already been using for a long time) and with the advice that I should keep my eyes clean at all times, using warm compresses and the cream (nothing different from what I was already doing).
This is when I started to do a lot of self research. I tried to clean my eye with camille tea, both in the morning and in the evening using an eye bath. I clean my eyes with Blepha Plus cleaning wipes, which do feel quite nice. I have started to take Turmeric pills every day beleiving that the chalazion (I will call it chalazion for now) might be caused by something from the inside. I have tried to clean my eyes with baby shampoo aswell, warm compresses etc, but none seem to really help.
Last but certainly not least, I have treated my eyes for over a month with tea tree oil. This in perticular is the first thing which I noticed that DID make a difference. But there are some downfalls to it. First of all, tea tree oil feels extremely heavy and stingy on the eyes. I applied it during the morning and the evening, but soon already realised that this was way too much, and that the sensitive skin under my eyes could not take it, resulting in more redness and swelling. After applying it only in the evening, combining it with a little bit of warm water (after cleaning my eyes with a warm compress, and Bleph plus wipes) for a month, my chalazion did seem to finally react to something. I would have one really good day, followed by three really bad days. Maybe two good days, followed by still four really bad days. At a certain point I felt that the bad days were getting worse, and last saturday my whole eye was swollen again, reminding me of the time when I first got it. This is when I stopped using tea tree oil.
My chalazion is now back to the way it was. it feels very hard and it does not seem to hurt at all? When a red spot is inflamed, I guess that it is supposed to hurt right? Why is my chalazion not hurting at all? It does not react to anything, it is just there? I now start to think that it might be a form of a scar? But then again, I do have some doubts about that aswell.
Conclusion is, I am completely out of ideas how to get rid of it. I feel that the doctors do not want to help me anymore (they said it is just 'bad luck'). For over a year, I have felt insecurities about my appearance, not wanting to look people in the eye anymore, and hating to get ready in the morning, being confronted by my eye everyday. It is taking up all of my time, and it is just exhausting me.
Thanks for taking your time to read through all of this. I hope it maybe helps someone, or gives some ideas. If anyone has any tips, please let me know. I will keep you guys updated within this thread
