had no clue where to put this, so I figured this is part of my story...let’s talk about that.
I know now that I’m feeling very good right now, not perfect by any means, but I’m getting along fine. My fear is for my future. I cam barely enjoy how I feel because I know, inevitably, this problem will return. I would like to believe that treating the apnea’s will fix my condition. Even if it does, will that make me perfect again? Of course not. I can only hope to function well. I’ll never have my old eyes back. Even now that I’m good, I realize there’s this background noise of my eyes talking to me. I never had that before, none of us did I assume.
I fear the future. Less than before thankfully, because I feel like I have some options. However, when I went to get my pressure checked today, my corneal specialist was intrigued to find out I was using heparin. However, he said something that alarmed me because I believe its true. He said, well let’s see how long the heparin works. I guess In the back of my mind I knew the heparin wouldn’t help forever. But hearing that just brought it to my attention.
Even if im ok for a year, two years, ten years...eventually, my eyes will break down again. I’d like to say im hopeful for medicine to learn more, to help us, but I’m not. If you go back 10+ years on the site, you see people like ourselves in the early 2000s saying, man, I can’t wait for the medicine and techniques available 10-20 years from now.
Well, we’re here, and what do we have now? I probably wouldn’t accurately list all the advancements in dry eye. But one thing is certain, very few doctors have this information. Even if there are advancements, it seems no one can find a doctor to offer the treatments. We’re all sitting here spinning our wheels all day about lipiflow, IPL, manual expression, probing, etc. Most doctors don’t know when/how to accurately apply these techniques. My disease for example presents as advanced MGD. But if you tried treating me for that, all of your attempts would fail. Because we’re not treating the cause of the MGD.
Im going to ramble a bit...
I also personally fear my treatments. I know that steroids are the only thing that really help me. I’m assuming when I come off, things will get worse. I missed my steroids one day and my right eye flared by 4pm.
im mentally ill and I don’t know if I’m going to be able to treat it. This post is a clear example of my mental illness. I’m in constant fear. I now know, that if things get hard, I will always turn toward suicide. I am certain I will end my own life one day. I can’t cope with anything. I mean, how many people do you think have bad dry eyes? And how many people are on this site? The numbers are wayyyy off. So are we here because we just can’t cope? Is our disease just that much worse than everyone else’s? I’m inclined to believe the former rather than the latter. So how do I get past that? My mental llness won’t allow me to take the drug I need to feel better.
my daughter woke up, I’ll be back....