I was diagnosed with blocked meibomian glands 5 mths ago following an acute infection which was probably viral as a culture of my eye -exudate was negative at the time of the infection.Also i had a head cold.However I was treated with chloromycetin eye drops for 2 weeks, then since they made it worse, fucidin eye drops were used I then went to an optician who stained and photographed both eyes and said i had blocked glands and told me to use hot compresses and massage which I have been doing ever since
My eyes just burned and stung and prickled and itched !! and drove me mad!!
Then I started to get pain in my eyes and extreme sensitivity to the lights in supermarkets (strong ceiling flurecent type lighting ) I had to shop with dark glasses Also I needed to wear polaroids for watching TV and using the computer?? ANYONE HAD THAT PROBLEM?
All this drove me to see an ophthamologist (Eye doctor)
He diagnosed Blepharitis and said my eyes had become hypersensitive - so he perscribed a course of steroid eye drops
I have only used them once as I am afraid of using steroids in my eyes - side effects longterm are cattaracts and glaucoma - also they contain preservatives and I think I may be allergic to preservatives in eye drops ANY ONE ELSE HAVE THAT PROBLEM?
1 I regularly use the hot wet compresess am and pm and massage the eye lids I have found that "pinching" the eye
lids between the first finger and thumb helps - I do this side to side - from ear to nose as it is too difficult to do up and down - from forehead to chin ( I hope you know what I mean ) I have found this really helps clear the glands The bottom lid is hard to do Top lid is more floppy
2 I use CELLUVISC eye drops at least 3 times a day This is a thick type of eye lubricant that coats the eyes and helps the tears to adhere to the eye surface( I was told I could use these as often as i liked ) they blurr the vision for about 10 minutes but they do help the dryness
3 I make myself YAWN to produce my own tears -Its quite easy and it sets everybody else in the room off too which is amusing
4 I take OMEGA 3 1000mgms after breakfast and FLAXSEED OIL 2 dessert spoons after lunch then mixed OMEGA 3 6 and 9 oil after dinner(apparantly flaxseed oil is the best for MGD)I also have osteoarthritis so the oils should help that too
5 I am feeling quite a bit better thank God Apparantly STRESS plays an important role in the whole thing so the eye specialist doctor told me
Anybody out there got any more suggestions???
They would be very welcome as would your comments on my present treatment
Wishing you all well- fellow sufferer
My eyes just burned and stung and prickled and itched !! and drove me mad!!
Then I started to get pain in my eyes and extreme sensitivity to the lights in supermarkets (strong ceiling flurecent type lighting ) I had to shop with dark glasses Also I needed to wear polaroids for watching TV and using the computer?? ANYONE HAD THAT PROBLEM?
All this drove me to see an ophthamologist (Eye doctor)
He diagnosed Blepharitis and said my eyes had become hypersensitive - so he perscribed a course of steroid eye drops
I have only used them once as I am afraid of using steroids in my eyes - side effects longterm are cattaracts and glaucoma - also they contain preservatives and I think I may be allergic to preservatives in eye drops ANY ONE ELSE HAVE THAT PROBLEM?

1 I regularly use the hot wet compresess am and pm and massage the eye lids I have found that "pinching" the eye
lids between the first finger and thumb helps - I do this side to side - from ear to nose as it is too difficult to do up and down - from forehead to chin ( I hope you know what I mean ) I have found this really helps clear the glands The bottom lid is hard to do Top lid is more floppy
2 I use CELLUVISC eye drops at least 3 times a day This is a thick type of eye lubricant that coats the eyes and helps the tears to adhere to the eye surface( I was told I could use these as often as i liked ) they blurr the vision for about 10 minutes but they do help the dryness
3 I make myself YAWN to produce my own tears -Its quite easy and it sets everybody else in the room off too which is amusing
4 I take OMEGA 3 1000mgms after breakfast and FLAXSEED OIL 2 dessert spoons after lunch then mixed OMEGA 3 6 and 9 oil after dinner(apparantly flaxseed oil is the best for MGD)I also have osteoarthritis so the oils should help that too
5 I am feeling quite a bit better thank God Apparantly STRESS plays an important role in the whole thing so the eye specialist doctor told me
Anybody out there got any more suggestions???
They would be very welcome as would your comments on my present treatment
Wishing you all well- fellow sufferer