Hi! I'm new to this site. Like many of you, I suffer from severe dry eye, to the extent where I've had many corneal abrasions and have come home from the doctor many times with ointment in and a patch over either eye. I found a really good ophthalmologist who diagnosed me with "dry eye." It had begun to feel like it had to be something worse than dryness, so the diagnosis was a relief. He prescribed Restasis and artificial tear type products during the day. I use Bion Tears Naturale. They're okay, but not ideal. My eyes never feel comfortable. When I put something like that in my eye, I expect to feel a sense of "AAAH" type relief. This doesn't feel that way. It seems I'm allergic to the preservatives in most of the other drops. Anyway, I've been using Genteal Eye Gel at night, the severe kind, until it disappeared from the stores. This has left me hurting, to say the least. I do transcription at home, and all of the other products that are for nighttime use make my eyes feel tired, blurry, and irritated in the morning. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm allergic to the petroleum type part of what I'm trying now, Lacrilube. Before this, the doctor had suggest Refresh Celluvisc (for night use). It felt wonderful in my eyes, but I woke up in the middle of the night thinking "Uh oh," that feeling that you almost don't dare to try and open your eyes. It's not enough protection for me at night. Everything else feels like Vaseline in my eyes, and I'm having problems working because of the blurring and burning in the morning. I've been reading some of your messages that you posted, and I can relate. To those of you who have found relief, I'm glad for you. If anybody knows anywhere where you can still purchase Genteal Severe Eye Gel, would you please let me know? I'm getting distraught over this whole thing. Seems like something like dry eye shouldn't impact your life as much as it does.
Judy M.
Judy M.
