I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia by two doctors since about 1996. I am convinced now that this diagnosis was correct. I've done lots of research on it. I have had dry eyes for at least 20 years and the watering has gotten so extreme, especially in the left eye that I finally asked about the punctal plug. It was just inserted a few days ago. I can tell it is still in there. I feel it too. There was some redness in the corner of the eye, probably because I absent-mindedly rubbed my eye. I don't expect any problems from the plug but the watering has only gone down maybe 15%. Do the plugs work right away or take time? The doctor never told me to return to take it out or do anything further with it. I will be seeing him anyway for a different problem and approach him then.
By the way, I just saw a Naturopath who prescribed different things for me, one of which is Fish oil and Cod Liver Oil. I'm hoping all this new herbal treatment is helpful. I could use a "buddy" or "friend" with similar things going on. Sandi in CA