i'm a 20 year old female and finally was diagnosed with dry eye back in july. i'm not sure where to begin, considering i'm not sure when this began. back in january of this year i woke up one morning with pink eye. i never went in to see the doctor, i just called and told them "i have pink eye and i need drops please." so a week goes by, pink eye is gone, eyes feel wonderful, and i go back to wearing contacts. i have worn contacts since i was 15 or 16? two weeks later, i wake up with pink eye again. this time a week goes by and it does not go away. i go to the eye doctor who diagnoses me with viral pink eye. my eyes are incredibly itchy and annoying, but the first time they were not at all, which is why i think i had bacterial the first time. anyway, a month goes by and i am told i am allowed to wear contacts again. i try and my eyes are red and not liking the contacts at all. this process continues on and off as i try every month or so to wear them again. i go to several eye doctors, none who is quite sure of what is wrong wtih my eyes..."well it looks like it may be allergies" or whatever else they say.
finally i find a doctor who knows that what i have is actually dry eye. severe dry eye. he said he thinks it is partially due to contacts and partially due to allergies. plus i am on allergy meds which dry out my skin. anyway, i went to another one back at home (since i was at school before) who has been trying to help me ever since. i've had plugs put in, which i don't really notice a difference at all but maybe that's the reason why my eyes are no longer itchy. i have been on restasis for about two months now and fish oil (about 1500mg) and flaxseed (about 1000mg) for about a month. so the only real difference i noticed is the itching is gone. other than that, sometimes i wonder if it's getting worse. it had definitely became worse over the course of the months. my eyes are really red. i still wonder if this dry eye could be partially a result of the viral infection?
sometimes i wonder if eye drops really help or hinder the situation. genteal gel used to make my eyes feel wonderful; now it does make them feel better, but not to the same relief. it makes me wonder if they are getting better so that's why it doesn't do as much (my eye doc said once it starts to get better the gel will be annoying, i wouldn't say it is though--it's just there i guess??) or if my dry eye is in fact actually getting worse. before he said he could have me in contacts by the beginning of november, i went and saw him last week and he said doesn't look like then, but it looks like my eyes are gettign better. i'm really not too sure though. the first doctor i went to actually told me that i was close to having the disorder where my eyes were so dry that i will never be able to wear contacts again, but that i didn't have it. i am scared to see him again for fear that he will say i can't wear them.
anyway,sometimes i feel really just depressed, hopeless and frusturated about the situation. i constantly think back to life when it was "normal" and i miss it a lot. i miss going out all the time like i used to and living my life like i did before. i keep thinking about ways i might have been able to prevent this. i hate waking up in the middle of the night with my eyes all gritty and dry. i feel way too young to have this. i also feel like this is petty since there are many worse diseases out there, life threatening, so i shouldn't be so upset. i know this is being vain and naive but i hate wearing glasses. i do not mind wearing them every once and a while, but every day is awful. plus i can no longer wear make up either, which is hard for me because i only used to wear eye makeup, and it was everyday. is there any sort of makeup which doesn't irritate it or should i just avoid it altogether?
is there anything else i should be/could be doing? did anybody notice any effects from the fish oil or flaxseed or retatsis? what effects if you did and how long did it take? sorry this is so long and thank you for reading i appreciate it
finally i find a doctor who knows that what i have is actually dry eye. severe dry eye. he said he thinks it is partially due to contacts and partially due to allergies. plus i am on allergy meds which dry out my skin. anyway, i went to another one back at home (since i was at school before) who has been trying to help me ever since. i've had plugs put in, which i don't really notice a difference at all but maybe that's the reason why my eyes are no longer itchy. i have been on restasis for about two months now and fish oil (about 1500mg) and flaxseed (about 1000mg) for about a month. so the only real difference i noticed is the itching is gone. other than that, sometimes i wonder if it's getting worse. it had definitely became worse over the course of the months. my eyes are really red. i still wonder if this dry eye could be partially a result of the viral infection?
sometimes i wonder if eye drops really help or hinder the situation. genteal gel used to make my eyes feel wonderful; now it does make them feel better, but not to the same relief. it makes me wonder if they are getting better so that's why it doesn't do as much (my eye doc said once it starts to get better the gel will be annoying, i wouldn't say it is though--it's just there i guess??) or if my dry eye is in fact actually getting worse. before he said he could have me in contacts by the beginning of november, i went and saw him last week and he said doesn't look like then, but it looks like my eyes are gettign better. i'm really not too sure though. the first doctor i went to actually told me that i was close to having the disorder where my eyes were so dry that i will never be able to wear contacts again, but that i didn't have it. i am scared to see him again for fear that he will say i can't wear them.
anyway,sometimes i feel really just depressed, hopeless and frusturated about the situation. i constantly think back to life when it was "normal" and i miss it a lot. i miss going out all the time like i used to and living my life like i did before. i keep thinking about ways i might have been able to prevent this. i hate waking up in the middle of the night with my eyes all gritty and dry. i feel way too young to have this. i also feel like this is petty since there are many worse diseases out there, life threatening, so i shouldn't be so upset. i know this is being vain and naive but i hate wearing glasses. i do not mind wearing them every once and a while, but every day is awful. plus i can no longer wear make up either, which is hard for me because i only used to wear eye makeup, and it was everyday. is there any sort of makeup which doesn't irritate it or should i just avoid it altogether?
is there anything else i should be/could be doing? did anybody notice any effects from the fish oil or flaxseed or retatsis? what effects if you did and how long did it take? sorry this is so long and thank you for reading i appreciate it
