Hi, I am new to this site also, I actually found it by accident surfing the net on day. I have has sjogrens for over 30 years now, and have the scleral lenses for about 2 years now. I have to say that they have helped me tremendously. I am no longer photo sensitive, and my eyes are very comfortable as long as i have them in my eyes. I was so glad to find the Dwelle drops. I can actually wake up in the morning and my eyes will open. prior to the drops, i used to have to pry them open due to the dryness. I have also started using Nutra Tear, and I really think that they are both great products. I have tried so many eye drops, but only found real relief with the scleral lenses. I am hoping that with continued use of the Dwelle that my comfort will become better all the time. The only problem that I have with the scleral lens is that it drys out on the outside of the lens. causing my lens to blur, which in the grand scheme of things is trivial I guess. Does anyone know of any product that will help with this?