Hey guys first time post here, but a long time reader. I've had dry eyes for around 7 years now, and I'm only 20. I had lasik surgery 2 years ago, and my eyes are getting a little better. I've been using redness reliever eyedrops with BAK for years, and just stopped using them last month because of what I've read what they can do, and because I started using Freshkote(which are amazing IMO). But I still have problems. Just recently my eyes have been feeling great and were white, but around 4 days ago, my eyes have gone to crap. They dont really feel bad, but they are just red and are more sensitive then normal. This isn't the only time its happened, it happened a couple of months ago, and I had to get steroid drop eyes because my eyes were inflammed. Does this happen to anyone else or does anyone know a reason for eyes being great for a month then become terrible in one day? Thanks for all the great info that has led to my eyes being much better!
P.S. Just to note my eyes are probably the best they've been in years, mainly because I've stopped using Bak eyedrops, and discovered Freshkote.
P.S. Just to note my eyes are probably the best they've been in years, mainly because I've stopped using Bak eyedrops, and discovered Freshkote.