When I was 18 my mother made me go to this opthomologist that we had been going to for years and I did not wanna go but I went anyway. After he put some drops in my eye I started feeling a lot of discomfort and irritation. When I told him about it he brushed me off and told me that after the drops wore off so would the irritation. The same night I had to be rushed to emergency becasue I could not open my eyes they were swollen closed and oozing with green thick pus. When I went through emergency The doctor didn't even touch me he just said it was conjunctivitis and walked out of the room. I went back to the doctor where I got the infection from and he got all defensive and was no help at all so I just never returned. I went to another hospital and they just put me on a lot of useless antibiotics. I am with a new doctor and he has me on doxcy. He thinks I may have Chlymidia and mucus fishing syndrome. I was a virgin when I got the infection so I believe it came from that doctor I went to years ago. I have, itching, burning, lots, of discharge, gritty sensation, inner eyelid peeling and crusted sticky lids in the morning. My stringiness gets worse in the morning and late night. I am now 22 years old with a son and this thing is limiting my life. I am so angry before I went to that doctor I never had any problems at all with my eyes. I just feel like my life is over. I feel like the doctors don't take te condition seriously enough. I use a saline wash and try not to extract the mucus out with my fingernails. I flush them with the rinse then get a kleenex and dab the musus out the corners of my eyes. I am just wondering if restasis, or a mucolytic agent and an antihistamine-mast cell stabilizer could help cure me of my condition and if so why won't the doctors try it. I would love for a health professional to respond and if anyone knows any doctors in Kansas City, Missouri willing to take a aggressive approach to my situation I would appreciate it.
