Happy New Year Cobra!
I had a birthday on 31st December... I have been so busy these days, sorry I could not reply earlier...
Thank you for your beautiful message, and thank you for reasserting our hope and strength in prayer and in the power of divine love...
Like I said before, adenovirus takes months to heal, especially with an overactive immune system like yours; you also mentioned you had something like "ripped off" your eye lid or the surface of your eye-- well it was the "veil" that this virus forms on the conjuctivas- but do not worry at all, as this specific virus leaves absolutely no damage to the eyes, it is a self- limiting infection although takes long time for recovery! I look forward to the time when you will write on this forum that your dryness has disappeared and your eyes are as healthy as ever! I wish that happens in teh early 2010, and I wish you ,any new happy healthy years to come!
God bless you and protect you... you are a wonderful person
I had a birthday on 31st December... I have been so busy these days, sorry I could not reply earlier...
Thank you for your beautiful message, and thank you for reasserting our hope and strength in prayer and in the power of divine love...
Like I said before, adenovirus takes months to heal, especially with an overactive immune system like yours; you also mentioned you had something like "ripped off" your eye lid or the surface of your eye-- well it was the "veil" that this virus forms on the conjuctivas- but do not worry at all, as this specific virus leaves absolutely no damage to the eyes, it is a self- limiting infection although takes long time for recovery! I look forward to the time when you will write on this forum that your dryness has disappeared and your eyes are as healthy as ever! I wish that happens in teh early 2010, and I wish you ,any new happy healthy years to come!
God bless you and protect you... you are a wonderful person
