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My eyes are 70% better thanks to nutrition and detox programme!

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  • #16
    Two months And eyes felt better on the GAPs diet.

    I did not do chelation but that is a good way to detox heavy metals. Although as I've shown you can do it through diet and other methods.

    I tried other methods, Epsom salt baths and dry skin brushing, for me these just sped up the detox which my body couldn't Handle do I just stuck to hot baths and saunas to sweat out the toxins circulating in my system that were waiting to be removed. Caster oil packing is another one I'm yet to try.

    My nutritionist now put me on zeolite metal detox.
    Coffee enemas are good but as said don't do unsupervised.

    His approach is similar to what I did to detox metals. I got my nutritional status balanced with diet and certain supplements. Its an interesting read:,d.d2k

    Heres an interesting video from Dr McBride on the gaps diet, she has more videos on youtube:
    Last edited by sazy123; 05-Feb-2014, 04:05.
    I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:


    • #17
      Sazy so basically you don't eat: refined sugar, grains, dairy and fruit? Lots of veggies, nuts and meats?


      • #18
        I do eat grains now. Gluten free quoina, oats, brown rice. And occasional fruit.

        I started off with no grains on the gaps diet, but had to add in grains due to constipation.
        I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:


        • #19
          Sazy- what about nuts?


          • #20
            HI Sazy: I did the IV chelation EDTA and DMPS 40 sessions so far. I do the DMPS challenge and it is sent off for analysis and then after 10 every sessions I do it again. I did not have any detox symptoms, no smelly sweat, no healing crisis nothing like you describe. I have never had the omega levels checked that I am aware of, at least no one is telling me that I need to take them, I just always have but for the last 2 years have taken the PRN brand because there is something about the way they are processed that is supposed to be superior but I can't remember what it was.

            I have done a lot of things in the past re detox,colon cleanses, liver cleanses, colonics, etc and for the last 10 years or so have felt really great. I just have this darned Sjogren's but I am making headway.

            Keep up the good work, sounds like you are almost there...cheers...F/G


            • #21
              Kate i eat nuts all kinds. I eat everything in gaps diet plus gluten free grains.
              I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:


              • #22
                Oh, I love this post! I completely agree. I follow same diet. :-))))


                • #23
                  Originally posted by sazy123 View Post
                  Hi guys i've been waiting a while to post on here because I wanted to make sure that I was really getting better, but I cant leave it any longer as I want to give people hope!

                  I cant believe that im finely posting here! as many of you who know me on here know I tried EVERYTHING with no improvement. I tried: restasis, IPL, compresses, various diets in the past.... nothing worked!!! I had one a VERY severe case of DRY EYE, if you look back at my posts you will see my plight!

                  I'm happy to say that my eyes have been substantially better for 10 months now. I get abit of dryness now and again now. But I hope that will go with continued programme!

                  One year ago I embarked on a strict diet and consulted a Nutritional Therapist who specialises in Functional Medicine.

                  I've been following a DETOX protocol. Diet, supplements, and methods to detox HEAVY METALS /TOXINS.... from my body: Sauna, hot baths... and drinking a lot of water to help excrete toxins.

                  Basically I WAS VERY TOXIC, most probably heavy metals (you can get tests for this)!!! and over the past year my body has been purged MASSIVE amount of toxins. I got the following detoxification symptoms: metallic body odour, metallic taste in my mouth and others. Basically smelt BAD for the past year LOL! My nutritionist reassured me that this was detox!!

                  One year ago my nutritional therapist ordered blood tests, which showed VERY LOW OMEGA 3 AND 6 FATTY ACIDS.... well no surprise there!!!!!
                  Guess what?!!!! After one year doing this diet, supplements, detox programme... my omega 3, 6 blood levels are NORMAL!!!!!!!

                  Other blood tests she ordered showed lowish B12 LEVELS (VERY IMPROTANT FOR DETOX), now my levels are normal.

                  BTW id like to add that previously I was on high strength fish oil and it NEVER made a difference to my eyes. And my research tells me that TOXINS can cause malabsorption of nutrients, also nutrients are not able to get to the cells that need them if cells are toxic. So if one is toxic, they need to DETOX first.

                  I also had a test which showed that I have dysbosis (candida), and I am taking oil of oregano for this and will soon start probiotics (high strength).

                  I started doing the GAPS diet along with 2 coffee enemas, two months on this diet my eyes were feeling great!

                  I now don't do GAPS anymore but I EAT lOTS of green veg, LUNCH AND DINNER (this is good for raising Glutathione levels which helps detoxification), I eat lots of fibre as I have always been prone to constipation (if you are constipated, you reabsorb toxins in the colon!).

                  I eat meat and fish, I try to get grass fed and non farmed fish when I can. Oily fish 3 times a week. I eat GLUTEN free grains, but try to keep carbs to a minimum as sugar/carbs flares candida. I do a lot of veg stir frys, I have found it the quickest and tastiest way to get all the veg in!

                  I take 2 tablespoons of Bodybiobalance oil per day (omega 3 and 6)

                  I REALLY FEEL THE KEY TO MY HEALING HAS BEEN DETOXING HEAVY METALS THOUGH. And I think the reason nothing worked in the past was due to this. If nothing works for you or only slightly look into Heavy metal toxicity!!! But make sure you are supervised while detoxing as heavy metals can cause alot of symptoms when they are removed. I would recommend a practitioner who specialises in functional medicine.

                  I am now training to be a nutritional therapist and specialise in functional medicine!!! I am doing biomedicine at the moment and love it!! GUYS THE BODY CAN HEAL ITS SELF, we just have to give it the right conditions in order to do so!!

                  My general health is much better, I don't need as much sleep, more energy, not as anxious, feel much better over all. Oh and best bit I can now wear mascara haha!!!!

                  This is the founder of functional medicine, Mark Hyman

                  Don't give up hope guys it took me 8 YEARS to figure this out, my body was sick, not just my eyes, DRY EYE IS JUST A SYMPTOM of a deeper underlying cause! The body is amazing at self healing. I hope this helps people!!
                  Wow that is great I also believe all my problems are digestive issues if I'm not on probiotics I can't stand it I'm Def going to figure this out I am real happy for you !


                  • #24
                    Sazy are you still feeling great?! I'm on a detox program and my mouth already tastes bitter like tin.


                    • #25
                      Faith what detox programe are you doing?

                      Yes my eyes are still fine. Detox continues, I was very toxic!
                      I had a metalic Taste in my mouth early on in the detox.
                      Another thing I've noticed that I detox more when I am feeling positive. Metalic smell comes out.

                      I will be doing a blog soon.

                      I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:


                      • #26
                        I am just eliminating anything toxic. I ran out of my candida supplements but will order more soon. I have eliminated sugar except berries. I am eating mostly vegetables and meat, very little fruit. I don't think I handle grains well. Do you eat them? Do you still have MGD or is that resolved?! I would love to read your blog


                        • #27
                          Hi faith

                          I eat quinoa and oats and brown rice now but try to minimise as grains are more inflammatory. I don't have a problem with these grains but everyone is different. If you are getting a tin taste in your mouth that is a good sign you are detoxing!

                          I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:


                          • #28
                            I am so happy for you! I've been following your posts on here for a couple years because I really identified with your struggle, and it makes my heart happy to finally hear good news.

                            I think the cause of my eye issues was similar to yours, in that something/many things were causing inflammation in our bodies and therefore affecting our most delicate nerves/tissues. I went to an immunologist who got me intense allergy shots and had me go off gluten(he thinks I'm intolerant to the protein) to bring down inflammation and within a month I felt cured within a month and its been a year and a half. Now, even when I slack on my diet or taking my allergy shots, my eyes still feel fine! It's true, the body can definitely heal itself!

                            I just hope and pray that everyone else on this board can heal, too.


                            • #29
                              Hi Desi,

                              You might check not in here anymore, but if you do may I ask, did the allergy shots cure your redness (if you did indeed have redness in the first place)?
                              Last edited by DryLondoner; 03-Jul-2014, 10:45. Reason: Spelling


                              • #30
                                For those on here who've seen big improvements by changing their diet, I'm curious to know how bad your dry eye was to begin with? Is this something that is more likely to help someone with a milder case? A lot of people on here speak of their m-glands having atrophied, I'm not sure how changing the diet is going to reverse something that severe. Not to be a debbie-downer or anything, I'm just curious about where you started?
                                Last edited by JJdryeye; 03-Jul-2014, 08:38.

