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My eyes are 70% better thanks to nutrition and detox programme!

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  • #76
    I'm sorry you did not have a good experience with an NT. I can't believe she wouldn't see you because you wouldn't buy her supplements, that's awful! My lecturers always refer the client to the natural dispensary or nutricentre to get supplements.

    BANT and CNHC are the main registering bodies for nutritional therapists that have qualified from a reputable establishment so all NTs qualified with accredited qualifications will be on there. My nutritionist is on there and she is very good. She helped me get to where I am with my recovery. I would recommend her.

    Like with any profession there are good practitioners and bad. There are good doctors and bad ones. There are good dentists and bad ones. I agree that recommendation is the best way to find a good one.

    TC Sara
    I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:


    • #77
      I'm still on the fence about nuts and nut butters. I can't figure out if they are causing me problems! In your opinion, they are good to eat?!


      • #78
        Originally posted by Faith1989 View Post
        I'm still on the fence about nuts and nut butters. I can't figure out if they are causing me problems! In your opinion, they are good to eat?!
        Hi Faith, nuts are generally a healthy food, almonds are high in B2, Biotin, vit E, magnesium and other nutrients. It depends how well you are digesting them, have you noticed symptoms when eating them? Have you tried eliminating them for a month to see if you feel any better and then reintroduce them and monitor for reactions? Everyone is different, some people get on very well with certain foods and others don't. For instance, I started doing the GAPs diet and I avoided grains because I thought they were 'bad', there is a camp (i.e Paleo diet followers) that say you should eliminate them. I did not get on with this diet at all (or GAPs), I was constipated and lost to much weight. My nutritionist put me back on gluten free grains such as quinoa and brown rice and I felt much better! So my point is that there is no one size fits all approach with diet, only guidelines- you have to see what works for you. That's why a diet tailored to you with the help of a naturopath etc is recommended. Once digestion improves people can often add back in foods and find that they can tolerate them.

        Nuts are high in omega 6 though, most people need more omega 3 (especially if you have dry eye). Chia seeds are very high in omega 3, I like to eat chia seeds (as well as sardines 4x a week) along with nuts to keep my ratio of omega 6 and 3 closer to the ideal ratio of 4:1.
        I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:


        • #79
          Hi sazy

          Do you know what caused your high Mercury level? I don't have any fillings myself

          I have fond someone who can do the urine and hair tests.

          Did the Mercury cause any other symptoms?

          I have had my thyroid checked and also tested for sogrens and no issues found.

          It's almost sometimes my eyes feel so sore but are moist and other days it's like my eye lids are dry and too tight. 😔


          • #80
            Sazy, I suspect that I have histamine intolerance, as I've been getting hives. I was tested for food allergies several years ago, and have none, but I really need to watch what I eat or things go downhill fast. To JJdryeye, my TBUT was 3, so I had severe dry eye. Not sure what it is now, but I am quadra plugged and much better although not great. I have Ocular Rosacea (which is diet controlled), MGD and tear deficiency. My oil quality is still quite bad. Thinking about going back to the allergist or to a naturopathic doctor. Glad you are so much better Sazy!


            • #81
              What foods bother you?


              • #82
                Hi Faith,
                Pretty much everything on the Rosacea and histamine food lists bother me.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by sazy123 View Post
                  Hi guys i've been waiting a while to post on here because I wanted to make sure that I was really getting better, but I cant leave it any longer as I want to give people hope!

                  I cant believe that im finely posting here! as many of you who know me on here know I tried EVERYTHING with no improvement. I tried: restasis, IPL, compresses, various diets in the past.... nothing worked!!! I had one a VERY severe case of DRY EYE, if you look back at my posts you will see my plight!
                  I started doing the GAPS diet along with 2 coffee enemas, two months on this diet my eyes were feeling great!

                  I now don't do GAPS anymore but I EAT lOTS of green veg, LUNCH AND DINNER (this is good for raising Glutathione levels which helps detoxification), I eat lots of fibre as I have always been prone to constipation (if you are constipated, you reabsorb toxins in the colon!).
                  Don't give up hope guys it took me 8 YEARS to figure this out, my body was sick, not just my eyes, DRY EYE IS JUST A SYMPTOM of a deeper underlying cause! The body is amazing at self healing. I hope this helps people!!

                  I gone trough your tread and find very interesting. Great and keep continue this. I agree that enema is the key for great success.

                  well done great. my congrats.. beat all eye drops!
                  Raw eating cures all deceases.
                  whole body cure is eye cure
                  FOOD (Natural, chemical free), Environment (air, water, noise), Relaxed Mind makes decease free


                  • #84
                    I have just recently cut out nuts to see if they bother me, I know they are high in histamine. I do actually think they were a great contributer to my redness. I was eating them a lot (including nut butter and milks) because I didn't have any snacks really. Now instead I am eating canned tuna in olive oil and plantain chips as my snack. I am feeling somewhat better.. I just need to be following some sort of protocol so im trying the autoimmune paleo diet as I have other weird symptoms. I have joint pain in my knees, chronic canker sores (not cold sores), the rosacea/dry eye, fatigue, anxiety ect. I've started higher doses of probiotics and coconut oil. I never to stick to anything but I'm REALLY trying this time. I even cut out coffee (still drink tea with coconut milk) but that has helped as well.

                    Maybe there really is something to this.....i'll update in a few weeks.


                    • #85
                      Canned fish is very high in histamines, so if tuna doesn't bother you, you probably don't have a histamine problem. Almonds and pecans aren't too bad, but the other nuts are more problematic. I am able to eat almond and pecan products in moderation. Coconut is a histamine liberator. It doesn't contain much histamine, but causes histamine stored in the body to be released. I can't tolerate much of that either.
                      Foods on the Rosacea list:
                      Foods on the histamine list & histamine liberators:


                      • #86
                        On a scale of 1-10, what would you say your eye pain is at on most days? I'm gunna say mine is 5, and 8 when I'm flaring bad.


                        • #87
                          Hi Fourchimneys,

                          I did not have mercury fillings. But I just found out the other day that contact lense solution contains, drum roll...... Thimerosal, which is a mercury containing compound! I wore contacts for a few years and my eyes started becoming dry while wearing them at the age of 17. Coincidence? I never had dry eye before contact lenses. I will do a blog post on this.

                          Mercury is not the only heavy metal that people can have toxicity too. Copper, aluminium, nickel (I wore braces when I was younger and a retainer until I recently had it taken out), arsenic, lead, even iron! These heavy metals accumulate from the environment, i.e. most deodorants contain aluminium!

                          I have been on holiday in the US, new blog post:

                          I plan to do a post on my diet soon, sorry its taking so long!

                          I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:


                          • #88
                            Sazy can you pm me the name of your nutritionist please, thank you


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by sazy123 View Post
                              Hi guys i've been waiting a while to post on here because I wanted to make sure that I was really getting better, but I cant leave it any longer as I want to give people hope!

                              I cant believe that im finely posting here! as many of you who know me on here know I tried EVERYTHING with no improvement. I tried: restasis, IPL, compresses, various diets in the past.... nothing worked!!! I had one a VERY severe case of DRY EYE, if you look back at my posts you will see my plight!

                              I'm happy to say that my eyes have been substantially better for 10 months now. I get abit of dryness now and again now. But I hope that will go with continued programme!

                              One year ago I embarked on a strict diet and consulted a Nutritional Therapist who specialises in Functional Medicine.

                              I've been following a DETOX protocol. Diet, supplements, and methods to detox HEAVY METALS /TOXINS.... from my body: Sauna, hot baths... and drinking a lot of water to help excrete toxins.

                              Basically I WAS VERY TOXIC, most probably heavy metals (you can get tests for this)!!! and over the past year my body has been purged MASSIVE amount of toxins. I got the following detoxification symptoms: metallic body odour, metallic taste in my mouth and others. Basically smelt BAD for the past year LOL! My nutritionist reassured me that this was detox!!

                              One year ago my nutritional therapist ordered blood tests, which showed VERY LOW OMEGA 3 AND 6 FATTY ACIDS.... well no surprise there!!!!!
                              Guess what?!!!! After one year doing this diet, supplements, detox programme... my omega 3, 6 blood levels are NORMAL!!!!!!!

                              Other blood tests she ordered showed lowish B12 LEVELS (VERY IMPROTANT FOR DETOX), now my levels are normal.

                              BTW id like to add that previously I was on high strength fish oil and it NEVER made a difference to my eyes. And my research tells me that TOXINS can cause malabsorption of nutrients, also nutrients are not able to get to the cells that need them if cells are toxic. So if one is toxic, they need to DETOX first.

                              I also had a test which showed that I have dysbosis (candida), and I am taking oil of oregano for this and will soon start probiotics (high strength).

                              I started doing the GAPS diet along with 2 coffee enemas, two months on this diet my eyes were feeling great!

                              I now don't do GAPS anymore but I EAT lOTS of green veg, LUNCH AND DINNER (this is good for raising Glutathione levels which helps detoxification), I eat lots of fibre as I have always been prone to constipation (if you are constipated, you reabsorb toxins in the colon!).

                              I eat meat and fish, I try to get grass fed and non farmed fish when I can. Oily fish 3 times a week. I eat GLUTEN free grains, but try to keep carbs to a minimum as sugar/carbs flares candida. I do a lot of veg stir frys, I have found it the quickest and tastiest way to get all the veg in!

                              I take 2 tablespoons of Bodybiobalance oil per day (omega 3 and 6)

                              I REALLY FEEL THE KEY TO MY HEALING HAS BEEN DETOXING HEAVY METALS THOUGH. And I think the reason nothing worked in the past was due to this. If nothing works for you or only slightly look into Heavy metal toxicity!!! But make sure you are supervised while detoxing as heavy metals can cause alot of symptoms when they are removed. I would recommend a practitioner who specialises in functional medicine.

                              I am now training to be a nutritional therapist and specialise in functional medicine!!! I am doing biomedicine at the moment and love it!! GUYS THE BODY CAN HEAL ITS SELF, we just have to give it the right conditions in order to do so!!

                              My general health is much better, I don't need as much sleep, more energy, not as anxious, feel much better over all. Oh and best bit I can now wear mascara haha!!!!

                              This is the founder of functional medicine, Mark Hyman

                              Don't give up hope guys it took me 8 YEARS to figure this out, my body was sick, not just my eyes, DRY EYE IS JUST A SYMPTOM of a deeper underlying cause! The body is amazing at self healing. I hope this helps people!!
                              hiya, just wondering how your eyes are doing now? its been a few years. are you still having success?
                              People have recovered, so can we.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by waterbee View Post

                                hiya, just wondering how your eyes are doing now? its been a few years. are you still having success?
                                Yes I am still having success Waterbee, occasional flare up- which is a healing reaction. But most of the time symptom free.

                                I just wrote an article about how I improved my dry eye by detoxing heavy metals and using nutrition to do so:

                                I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:

