Thanks Faith!
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The Magic of Kate West's Cliradex Wipes
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Love hearing that someone has found something that helps. Hope they continue to work for you LaDiva and glad the Wet Ones irritation is subsiding for you Faith.
LaDiva, I hope you look as pleased as the lady in the commercial when you use them *cringe*
Faith, they say 6-8 weeks to make sure they're dead and no new eggs have hatched. Make sure to wash all bed linens, sheets, pillow, towels, etc. in super hot water at least once a week too. I wouldn't used diluted tea tree oil while using the Cliradex wipes.
This is only day two for me. Should I expect more relief when they die?! This grosses me out. I am now thinking this is my problem though lol thanks so much for all your answers AlisonI am just confused as I really did not think this was my issue!
LOL Lizlou!Not quite as happy as the lady in the clip. I keep my eyes closed and fan my face and eyes with a dry washcloth. Once the air dries the TTO, the burning subsides. Whew! It is certainly an experience. Good luck at Moorfield's. Is it possible to order the Cliradex scrubs from Amazon? I know there are certain things we can't order from out of country to the US if they aren't FDA approved. Once we ordered something from Canada, and the US postal service confiscated it.
I have basically been obsessed with googling demodex and all articles say that you need to do "treatments" with diluting tea tree oil in macadamian nut oil. 20/50 percent dilution. Wet a cotton swab and leave it on the lid for a few minutes and then rinse . I'm going to try this. I am nervous though as I have gotten tea tree oil in my eye before lol and it was not fun. I will be careful not to wet the cotton swab to much.
Hi Faith,
Yes, I live in the US. We ordered some stuff from Canada once, and the postal service confiscated it. I am hoping that Lizlou can order Cliradex if she wishes and that she will not have problems if it is not available in the UK. I am not sure about their laws governing these things. Since Cliradex is over the counter, maybe no problem, but there are products you can buy in Europe without a prescription that can't be mailed here, because you must have a prescription.
Oh ok sorry ! I was confused with the postI order it from amazon and go to Minnesota to pick them up at the border. I'm sure you can ship it to Europe. It's all natural so I wouldn't see an issue. It's weird Canada had something you needed the U.S. didn't.
Only place I can find Cliradex is on US Amazon and no UK shipping option. One ophth I saw here said he treated Demodex but just told me to use tea tree oil face wash, shampoo and shower gel for 3 weeks and see if I noticed a difference. No mention of using it on the eyelids which would seem logical. I think he didn't know what else to suggest.
Just ordered a few things from US and got a card through the door to pay £20 ($33) to UK customs which was 25% of the value of the goods I ordered. Sometimes lucky and they let them through without extra charge.
I am in total agreement with LaDiva. If you cannot get the Cliradex, try to diltue tea tree oil in another oil (like walnut oil) and rub it on the lids for a few minutes. Really try not to get the oil in the eye as best you can, if you do -it will hurt (I know by experience) Your eye will also probably turn super red if a lot gets in there. Just a warning to be careful.I once tried 100% tea tree oil around my lids last year, my eye turned red and it KILLED. lol This is why it is important to dilute it first. Good Luck
Yes I've been in touch with Littlemermaid. Have mild facial rosacea and ocular rosacea with collarettes on base of lashes (never knew until my ophth showed me photos - freaked me out). I think Demodex a definite possibility but my eyelids are now super-sensitive so I know I have to be careful. Ideally I'd like my ophth to be guiding me but I don't think he's convinced of the link.