this sounds great, will give it a go! Bev - how long do you wait between putting on the oil and putting in a contact lens?
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so much better
Originally posted by RoryHas anyone asked medical opinion with regards to applying Extra Virgin olive oil to the eyelids?
Originally posted by Stanzathis sounds great, will give it a go! Bev - how long do you wait between putting on the oil and putting in a contact lens?
Originally posted by claireHi all,
I just started putting a little vasaline (petroleum jelly) in the corners and around lower lids/lashline and got terrific relief! Probably just as good as olive oil and easier/cheaper. I keep my eye jelly separate and always wash hands, don't want to contaminate.
Curious....anyone else out there a user of Retin-A before starting to have these problems? Of course, I'd had Lasik and cataract surgery too but suspicious of its contribution. Haven't used it for a year but wonder if it did some damage tto Meibomian glands?
Vaseline Petrolatum jelly
Found these reassuring articles about using vaseline also. It is indeed the base for a lot of around-the-eye substances. The first article recognizes that people had relief with just the plain petrolatum even without the calcium addition they were testing and the second is anecdotal experience.
This is great. Thanks for the contact lens comment too.
I was thinking of trying one eye with oil, the other with vaseline
I note the articles mention that apetrolatum based calcium ointmentjust keep swimming...
Thanks for that find, Bev -- the paper comparing castor oil to other vegetable oils
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That is interesting to me, because it seems that I have some keratoconus tendency, in addition to dry eye, and I have to say that the 3 months that I was taking Restasis were those in which I experienced the most dramatic increases in multiplopia symptoms typical of keratoconus.
I now wonder if the increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during that period gave rise to the faster progression of keratoconus (which is thought by many to be due to high ROS levels, or poor clearance of them)
That's interesting--when I used Restasis for long periods (8-10 months) my astigmatism got worse. I know that's not the same as keratoconus, and I don't know what multiplopia is.....or the ROS you referred to.
I have not met many people who noticed a deterioration in vision while using Restasis. It's usually the burning that people notice.
...the 3 months that I was taking Restasis were those in which I experienced the most dramatic increases in multiplopia symptoms typical of keratoconus.
I now wonder if the increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during that period gave rise to the faster progression of keratoconus (which is thought by many to be due to high ROS levels, or poor clearance of them)
That's a good question since cyclosporine has been found to reduce the activity of enzyme superoxide dismutase, a major "clearer" of oxygen free radicals, in other body systems . The addition of anti-oxidants to the cyclosporine seems to attenuate that bad side effect but Restasis does not have any anti-oxidant additives to help keep those good levels of superoxide dismutase. In other words, it makes a lot of sense that Restasis could contribute to keratoconus problems. For some reason people usually lose their tendency to have progression of keratoconus in their mid 30's it seems but maybe this age will rise as Restasis is used more...hopefully not.
Have you had any corneal topography to verify keratoconus or just going by your symptoms right now?
I, for one, had no improvement after 6 months of Restasis and it burned like crazy. Vision was worse for me also Calli66 and fluctuated much more.
Do you know for certain you don't have a cataract which often causes multiplopia as they did for me?? Completely gone after cataracts removed. Cataract surgery did not worsen anything for me as far as dry eye either.
In any case, Restasis may be effective for that small sub-population with an auto-immune component eg. Sjogren's syndrome but if, like most people there isn't an auto-immune problem, it likely isn't going to be a long-term answer and may, as you point out, have unnecessary side-effects. And, on top of all that, is very expensive. As another poster on another thread noted, people generally change more than one thing in caring for their eyes when they begin Restasis i.e better protection, more frequent eye lubricants, keeping caustic creams away from their eyes etc. Most would likely feel just as well or perhaps better due to their improved eye care without the Restasis. That's my current corneal ophthalmologist's opinion on Restasis also.
Anyway, have you tried a small amount of the Vaseline or olive oil applied on the facial skin for the dry eye part of your symptoms? I like the idea that the olive oil has anti-oxidants. I am now to the point I am applying a light amount a good half inch away from the lid margins and have very comfortable eyes compared to before and this is with wearing one contact lens for over 10 hours every day last 3 days and no sticking. Didn't use any lubricating drops today. Whoever tries this, more does not seem to be better and too much just makes it take longer for it to eventually dissipate to just the right amount. Give it a full day before applying more. If you try it, give yourself a few days to adapt and apply farther away if you find it bothersome. I think it may depend on whether your symptoms are pain or itchiness also. It has eliminated my pain. I may occasionally notice scant itchiness now that there is a wonderful lack of pain.
We don't all have dry eyes for the same reason but thankfully this is easy to try.
Well, hope all else is going well for everyone....
Day 6 of this regimen. Wore my contacts (trial pair of Proclears that eye md gave to me in Sept to try, and have not had the courage to wear them yet) wore them a little longer than anticipated due to xmas shopping, anyway they ended up in my eyes for 10 hours, towards the last 2 hours, my eyes were a bit sore, but I figured that was to be expected. I did use Aquify rewetting drops a few times, but that was more as a 'just in case' measure.
I had a small bit of mucous in the corners of my eyes this am, but today (and I'm not wearing contacts) they don't feel too bad, is is the olive oil? Who knows, I'll give it a bit longer. Just wanted to give an update.
Tried the olive oil with good results
I did try putting olive oil around my eyes. I really didn't expect it to do much, but my eyes have felt better though it causes slightly blurry visison. I have dry skin on my face and it makes me realize I should never put anything like lotion on my face because it will make it into the eyes. It also tells me that some doctor should seriously look into making more lubricants that go around the eyes instead of directly in them.
It wasn't perfect, I still experienced some burning, but it was better. And perhaps less is more because when I got home I washed the olive oil from around my eyes, did a short warm compress, and my eyes didn't hurt for the rest of the night. That hasn't happened in awhile. I'll let you know how things go over more time.
"is it safe to put extra virgin olive oil around the eyes?" I don't know, but I figure it can't be any worse than taking a scapel and cutting all the nerves covering your eye. And it won't cost you thousands of dollars. I was dumb enough to let someone do that, so what the Heck.
This is all very interesting. I wish I knew it last week when I saw my dry eye doctor to comment on it. He is a well known dry eye specialist.
I was doing fine for a while but I was using antihistamines, decongestants for 2 weeks + upped my Elavil (meds that dry you out like hell) and now my eyes are in pain. I discontinue the cold meds and lowered my Elavil again...however about the same time I was applying Neutrogena eye cream round my eyes, lower skin only. Since the warm compresses are drying the skin aound my eyes I have notice some wrinkles. I thought about the Neutrogena eye cream possibly impacting my eyes but now that I'm reading this thread I realize that (duh) what we put around the eyes can affect the already sensitive eyes more that other people.
On the oilive oil: I've heard that oilive oil generaly goes "rancid" after a few months, so if you are going to apply it in the eyes or around it, I'll suggest to buy the smallest bottle, probbably organic, and keep it in a cool place. I don't know if I read that it is better to keep it the refrigerator, but for sure in a cool place. Throw it away after a few months, or use it for cooking but not for the eyes after a few months. Just my 2 cents here. And byt the way, it may be a good idea to check with your eye doctor as we all may have other issues going on in the eyes besides the dryiness so it is better to be on the safe side.
1-do you still get an effect if you apply it only on the lower eye lid? (not directly in the eye )?
2-If you have a mebomian (spelling?) glads problem (MGD), would the oil clog more the proes?
For those of you who had sucess with it, I think it is great! Keep posting!Dr eyes caused by long term contact lens wear
Originally posted by Maria1972This is all very interesting. I wish I knew it last week when I saw my dry eye doctor to comment on it. He is a well known dry eye specialist.
I was doing fine for a while but I was using antihistamines, decongestants for 2 weeks + upped my Elavil (meds that dry you out like hell) and now my eyes are in pain. I discontinue the cold meds and lowered my Elavil again...however about the same time I was applying Neutrogena eye cream round my eyes, lower skin only. Since the warm compresses are drying the skin aound my eyes I have notice some wrinkles. I thought about the Neutrogena eye cream possibly impacting my eyes but now that I'm reading this thread I realize that (duh) what we put around the eyes can affect the already sensitive eyes more that other people.
On the oilive oil: I've heard that oilive oil generaly goes "rancid" after a few months, so if you are going to apply it in the eyes or around it, I'll suggest to buy the smallest bottle, probbably organic, and keep it in a cool place. I don't know if I read that it is better to keep it the refrigerator, but for sure in a cool place. Throw it away after a few months, or use it for cooking but not for the eyes after a few months. Just my 2 cents here. And byt the way, it may be a good idea to check with your eye doctor as we all may have other issues going on in the eyes besides the dryiness so it is better to be on the safe side.
1-do you still get an effect if you apply it only on the lower eye lid? (not directly in the eye )?
2-If you have a mebomian (spelling?) glads problem (MGD), would the oil clog more the proes?
For those of you who had sucess with it, I think it is great! Keep posting!
You really do not want to apply it directly in the eye. Less is definitely better as also noted by Filazafer. A very thin layer about a half inch below the lower lid margin is a good way to start. It will take a little time to migrate but be patient. From just personal experience I suggest waiting a good 6-10 hours before deciding if more is needed. Too much and you do have more blurring and a little itchiness (but nothing like the irritation of a dry painful eye.) Olive oil should also be kept in a dark place, not as a decorative oil in the sunny window. I am now getting away with sometimes only using it once a day. I tried the vaseline as suggested by Claire once and it worked very well also. Good luck to you.
Originally posted by Stanza View PostI've been trying vaseline at night but not sure it's made a difference at all, will give it a couple more days then switch to the olive oil
I have the most relief by using a little olive oil on my upper cheeks after getting up for the day as it provides protection while my eyes are being exposed the most. I can skip the night-time application most of the time now.
Hope it helps.