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How I cured my RCE

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  • How I cured my RCE

    I am posting this in the hope that it will be of use to others who suffer from this horrific condition.

    In June 2009, I woke up with my first RCE episode in my left eye (pain was about a 5, on a scale of 1-10). The doctor said it was caused by a foreign object. A few days later, still in pain, another doctor scraped the surface of my eye and it healed within a few days.

    A month later, there was another abrasion. The doctor put a bandage lens in. I told him that contact lenses tended to bother me and he said I could remove it myself if I had any discomfort. A few days later, my eye was irritated, and I removed the lens as he’d instructed…. along with the entire surface of my cornea. It sent me to the ground screaming a cry of death and nearly blacking out. There are NO WORDS to describe the physical and emotional trauma of this experience. (on a pain scale of 1-10, this was 50). The ER sent me to a corneal specialist who did the stromal puncture. I spent the next 5 days on vicoden, in bed, waiting for the eye to heal, periodically shrieking and unable to tolerate sunlight, TV, or the computer screen.

    The doctor finally explained to me that I had RCE and I began a nightly regimen of Muro 128, keeping the eye lubricated with drops. I taught myself to never touch my eye and slept with a humidifier.

    For a year, I lived in a nightmare called “Recurrent Corneal Erosion.” As bad as the erosions were in my eye, the erosion to my quality life was equally terrible. The abrasions occurred every 2-6 weeks in my left eye, usually on a pain scale of 3-4, but sometimes as bad as an 8-9. I had the Stromal Puncture repeatedly, missed countless days of work and social engagements, and had to give up activities I loved like surfing. Everything revolved around the RCE beast.

    Just when I thought things were as bad as they could be, I started getting them in my Right eye too! I asked the corneal specialist how this could be, since I thought the tear in my left eye was caused by an arbitrary foreign object? “You were probably just born this way”, he told me and then recommended the PTK surgery. I was hesitant, as I’d read several online posts from others who’d said the surgery had made their RCE worse! A 2nd specialist confirmed there was little risk, but I was still hesitant. I felt I needed to try something else before risking another surgery to my poor eyes.

    Since the waiting time for a PTK surgery appointment was many months anyway, I made an appointment with Mark Mincolla, a nutritional health therapist recommended by a family member. He met with me and I explained the condition which he’d seen and treated before. He explained that many of our health problems are caused by infectious build-up from the foods we ate. Things like bacteria and yeast would build up and degrade our organs and cause problems, such as what I was experiencing. He proceeded to ‘muscle test’ me (see below for a link explaining this). He then gave me a list of foods I needed to remove from my diet (including dairy, sugar, moldy vegetables like mushrooms, vinegar, wheat, and most nuts). He said he felt that the problem was caused by a build-up of yeast and bacteria in the sinuses behind my eyes. Removing these foods would stop the continuation of the infectious build-up.

    He had me take natural supplements 3x daily (Kold Kare, Monolauren, and Colloidal Silver drops in my eyes), which are necessary to knock out the build-up already in there (just eliminating the foods wouldn’t be enough). In addition, he muscle tested me on the ointments and drops I had been using and found that both Muro 128 drops and ointment were not good for me. Instead, he had me start using “can-c” eye drops to lubricate my eyes.

    He was asking a lot of me, but I was DESPERATE to stop the sensation of razor blades in my eyes and willing to try this before risking surgery. I followed his instructions from that day onward, only cheating on the diet occasionally and discontinued the use of Muro 128. The first month, I had some soreness in the sides of my eyeballs (not where the abrasions are). Mark told me that yeast doesn’t die quietly and that this was probably a symptom of them clearing out.

    Since then, I have not had a single bad abrasion (a few that are a 1 on the pain scale, but nothing unmanageable). I was skeptical, but after 4.5 months of 99% relief, I truly feel like I have woken up from a nightmare. The food sacrifices are minimal compared to what I’ve gained back (my life)…and they are not permanent. In time, I will be able to integrate some foods back in moderation. If you want more information about the methods I used to heal my eyes, below are some links to check out.

    I wish healing to all.

    To Contact Mark Mincolla for an appointment or referral:

    For more information about Muscle Testing:

  • #2
    It's great to hear for your success. I like to hear about unusual ways of investigating and treating these things.

    From your description of what you went through and your doctor's comment of "You were probably just born this way” I wonder if you have ABMD, which would explain your spiral with the RCEs in both eyes.
    Rebecca Petris
    The Dry Eye Foundation


    • #3
      I agree with Rebecca. It would be worth looking into whether there was an underlying cause.

      I'm happy to hear that you found something that worked for you!



      • #4
        Thanks for the feedback. Mapdot isn't the problem. I already looked into that with several specialists. They just say "maybe you were born that way" because they don't have an answer and then proceed to recommend risky procedures that attempt to treat the symptoms only. I firmly believe that the problem is caused by an infection from the yeast in my diet. There is a direct correlation between the cessation of symptoms when I changed my diet and began the supplements. Sadly, the medical community doesn't seem to care about underlying nutritional issues that lead to degradation of our organs.


        • #5
          Originally posted by hanny102 View Post
          He then gave me a list of foods I needed to remove from my diet (including dairy, sugar, moldy vegetables like mushrooms, vinegar, wheat, and most nuts). He said he felt that the problem was caused by a build-up of yeast and bacteria in the sinuses behind my eyes. Removing these foods would stop the continuation of the infectious build-up.
          Thanks so much for sharing your story. I've found it very interesting and enlightening. I'd be interested in hearing the full list of foods he told you to avoid, or were they specific to you determined by the muscle testing?


          • #6
            Hi Fern,
            It would be hard to give you a complete list because there were hundreds of foods tested...the biggest offenders would probably be:

            dairy products (milk, cheese)
            Most forms of sugar/sweeteners (honey and maple syrup are ok for me)
            wheat and gluten (oats and brown rice are ok for me)
            Nuts (sunflower seeds are ok)
            Vinegar (big no no)
            some veggies/fruits (not allowed to eat mushrooms, cauliflower, carrots, pineapple, raspberries)

            Keep in mind that doing this diet w/out the supplements will not be effective. You need the supplements to knock out the buid-up already there.

            Hope this helps. Best of luck!

