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  • #31
    acupuncture for dry eyes

    Hi acupuncture for dry eyes. Thanks for the info on the Andrographis. Do you suggest take one pill every 2 hours for how many days?

    I stopped going to the accunpucturist. I kind of gave up on him. I saw that link you put up and there is no one listed in NY for me darn.


    • #32
      One more thing accupuncturefordryeyes. I never had lasik surgery this problem came on by itself. I am diagnosed with occular rosacea dry eye.


      • #33
        Wow. I never heard of ocular rosacea. That sounds awful. In Chinese medicine theory, eye dryness is caused by a liver yin deficiency. These kinds of things can be treated. I would try the magnet by the eye to improve circulation. Believe it or not, they treat glaucoma and other eye diseases with acupuncture in China. The acu around the eyes improves and regulates nerve flow.

        I took the andrographis only two days I think. There are not a lot of acupuncturists in America and they all struggle to survive financially, so we lose more every year. I do websites now. Ten years struggling was enough for me.

        If everyone knew the whole truth about acupuncture tomorrow, the whole medical establishment would collapse, because medical doctors are rarely necessary. 90% of them would be wiped out. Unfortunately, Americans do not know this. Also, they cannot afford the care they need. It is a bad situation here.

        Goji berries are good for your eyes. You can buy them or take them in capsules. A good book to read on Chinese medicine is "BEtween heaven and earth". It will explain how the liver energy affects the eyes. I know it sounds crazy, but it works!

        I am now subscribed daily to this thread.


        • #34

          Hi, You can google occular rosacea to see what it is. My opthamologist said it is the same thing as blepharitis. Lid inflammation, eye pain, dryness,burning,etc. Everyone who has this has different degrees of it. I can't seem to get it under control.
          Some people have rosacea on there face too. I don't have that.

          Very interesting what you said about the accupunturists in america vs. the medical dr.'s.

          This is very frustrating for me right now with my eyes. I'm all over the place with trying to get this under control.


          • #35
            I looked in one of my books for blepharitis. "Acupuncture for the eyes" by Julian Scott.

            He says that he has had success with using acupuncture and having patient stop all Gluten!

            It is worth a try. One more disease that gluten causes.

            If you have an acupuncturist who is willing, I will send you the acupuncture points to do.

            Have you tried dietary changes?


            • #36


              It seems there is a ton of info. If you Google "chinese herbs blepharitis. There are lots of cases.


              • #37

                accupuncture dry eyes,

                Check out this link. What do you think of these herbs?
                I'm not seeing an acupuncturist right now.


                I changed my diet for about 3 weeks and it didn't make much of a difference. I know its not a long time. I still cheated a little bit while on the diet.


                • #38
                  Acupuncture hasn't been helping


                  I have dry eyes with no directly apparent cause (maybe I just need to see a new doctor) but I haven't had any kind of LASIK or surgery, I basically woke up one day and the whites of my eyes were pink and irritated, and my lids stuck when I blinked because they were so dry.

                  Anyway, I read about how much acupuncture has helped people, so I started going to a local acupuncturist once a week. Yesterday was my fifth visit. Starting on my 4th visit I asked her to start using the GB1 point, but so far I haven't seen any improvement. Could it just not be for me?

                  What's your advice on where I should take my acupuncture treatment? The acupuncturist is very nice and willing to try anything I suggest to her, I just think she might be inexperienced with eye diseases.


                  • #39
                    I'm sorry to hear of your situation. Dry eyes that are not caused by Lasik might not benefit from that point.

                    Dry eyes can be caused by allergies. Have you seen an eye doctor? I wonder if your eyes are infected somehow. How long has this gone on?

                    There are so many questions I would ask. I would want to know your age. As we get older, we become yin deficient. This causes things to dry out. American ginseng is good for that. It is great for anyone over the age of 40 to give us back what we lost from aging.

                    Also, there are a variety of eye herbs I would try, like eyebright. There are several formulas to choose from. Any herbal formula that is designed for eyes, can help. There are specific herbs for eye health.

                    Goji berries are also good. They work on your liver yin. I would start with the American ginseng and eyebright herbs. Rule out an eye infection. I'm concerned about that.

                    I suspect allergies are playing a part. Are you familiar with dust mites? They cause a lot of allergy problems. If you woke up in the morning with this problem, I would get a new pillow and put a new pillow case on it that is for dust mites. The dust mites live in your pillow and the dustmite poo causes a lot of allergies for people. I would definitely get a new pillow, asap.

                    When I was visiting my dad, my sinuses completely closed up due to the high level of dust mites in his house. They are super toxic. Every day he had big allergy and sinus issues and it was due to all the dust mites.

                    I would not continue with the acupuncture until you resolve the dust mite issue. After you do that, you can post back here and tell me how it went.


                    • #40

                      You can do a search on dry eyes and yin deficiency. This is after you get a new pillow.


                      • #41

                        I actually own a hypoallergenic pillow (and mattress), a TempurPedic! But I'll go out and buy a pillowcase that's dust-mite repelling, too And I was paraphrasing before - it developed over the course of a few short days, so to me, it was as sudden as awakening with it.

                        I'm only 24, and I got this when I was 23, so it's definitely not aging. I've been taking a multivitamin, Omega 3, Flaxseed, Lutein, and Vitamin E; two days ago, after reading about deficiencies, I added Vitamins A & B2... we'll see if they are part of the solution!

                        I'll try to start taking those additional herbs you suggested - eyebright and ginseng - and my mom actually has a huge stock of Goji berry supplements, I'll steal some from her

                        I've been seeing an ophthalmologist for about a year about this, and so far she's just given me plugs and Restasis, and told me to do hot compresses - none of that has seemed to help very much, though. I made an appointment with my internist so that she can refer me for allergy testing. I don't have any surface eye infections, but I haven't ruled out some strange systemic infection, so when I see the internist I might ask her to take a swab of my eye fluid to have it tested, just in case.


                        • #42
                          Are the dry eyes the same all day long?

                          I would try Chinese herbs for allergies. If you are seeing an eye doctor, I would think he has ruled out any type of infection. I will have a think about it.


                          If it is sudden onset, I would suspect allergies or an infection of some sort. I would still take the eyebright. The acupuncture has ruled out a blockage of one of the nerves.


                          • #43
                            Hi! Thanks again for your help!

                            Yes, they're basically the same all day. I have scheduled a consultation with an herbalist, and an internist, so that I can get a referral for allergy testing. I'm hoping it's something that I can actually treat!


                            • #44
                              Are you familiar with NAET? This is Nambudripad elimination technique. You can do muscle testing and actually ask your body what is causing this problem. You would need to call all the acupuncturists in your area to find someone who does it.

                              It is possibly an allergy to dairy or grains also. I do a lot of muscle testing and find crazy things people are allergic to. Your body will tell you what is going on.

                              Good luck.

