I have been looking at the forum posts for a few months now and thought it is about time I got involved, it goes without saying, this forum has provided me with a wealth of information, and I am grateful to Rebecca and Co for it's existence.
I'm Matthew, 30 yrs old and first started having problems about five years ago when i developed viral conjunctivitis. For a year after that i was dogged with sore, gritty eyes and after numerous visits to the eye docs I was given Patonol and packed on my way. I can't remember exact details but I used the Patanol and artificial tears for a year or so and thing improved to the point I stopped thinking about my eyes and stopped the meds and artificial tears.
Fast forward to now and following Christmas 2011 I became aware of my eyes again with the gritty feeling and redness. After trying to self medicate with artificial tears again, I popped into the local eye casualty and saw a eye doc who proclaimed, "you have dry eyes, take some artificial tears", ...cheers mate!
Having found this forum I now know we can break this 'diagnosis' down somewhat and try and be more specific. Having found no further improvement with artificial tears, I went to my GP who has referred me a Consultant at the same hospital. Currently on week 8 of 24 of his waiting list! Got to love the NHS, I actually work in the NHS as well, so can appreciate the constraints we have to work with and also the frustration of patients waiting. For the reasons i'll outline I intend not to line this guys pockets with a private appointment.
Decided to see an optometrist yesterday who at least gave a more specific diagnosis. He basically said my tear film is a little poor, with the lower part of the eye breaking up too soon, around the 6 second mark. He saw a few blocked glands on my worst eye, less on my better eye. Having read around the topic I would say this fits into my symptoms. No much sign of Bleph either, but he could not rule it out.
So, starting today, this is my treatment regime I am about to embark on and would appreciate some advice:
1. Eat Better. This has coincided with a period of poor diet, after my last episode a few years ago, I got relatively fit and I wonder if that contributed to the healing.
2. Exercise more.
3. Fish oil and Flax oil daily. 3000mg fish, 2000mg flax, Holland and Barrett.
4. Dr Latkany home spa (daily? twice daily?). I have flirted with doing this for the past few months, have got a commercial rice bag. done it for a couple of days then jacked it in, but now appreciate that isn't going to do much! How long and what frequency?
5. Humidifer. looking into this, i get dry eyes at night so need to look into night eye protection as well.
6. Adopt a positive outlook! This has been a bit of a preoccupation over the past few months, bordering on the obsessive. I need to be a better father to my two little girls (3yrs and 7 months) and a better husband to my wife (who incidently, doesn't quite get whats going on). So i hope 1-5 above gets me somewhere along the way.
So, I'm hoping, by the time I get to see the hospital consultant, by adopting the above, things will have improved. If not, at least i can tell him what i have tried and look for a more agressive therapy.
Thanks in advance,
Small addendum...forgot to mention also use artifical tears regularily. Up to now i have had a strange wanting to try and use them as sparingly as possible. But I will try and use them at least four times a day to start, with the hope of reducing frequency when (hopefully!) things improve. Currently using blink intensive PF.
I have been looking at the forum posts for a few months now and thought it is about time I got involved, it goes without saying, this forum has provided me with a wealth of information, and I am grateful to Rebecca and Co for it's existence.
I'm Matthew, 30 yrs old and first started having problems about five years ago when i developed viral conjunctivitis. For a year after that i was dogged with sore, gritty eyes and after numerous visits to the eye docs I was given Patonol and packed on my way. I can't remember exact details but I used the Patanol and artificial tears for a year or so and thing improved to the point I stopped thinking about my eyes and stopped the meds and artificial tears.
Fast forward to now and following Christmas 2011 I became aware of my eyes again with the gritty feeling and redness. After trying to self medicate with artificial tears again, I popped into the local eye casualty and saw a eye doc who proclaimed, "you have dry eyes, take some artificial tears", ...cheers mate!
Having found this forum I now know we can break this 'diagnosis' down somewhat and try and be more specific. Having found no further improvement with artificial tears, I went to my GP who has referred me a Consultant at the same hospital. Currently on week 8 of 24 of his waiting list! Got to love the NHS, I actually work in the NHS as well, so can appreciate the constraints we have to work with and also the frustration of patients waiting. For the reasons i'll outline I intend not to line this guys pockets with a private appointment.
Decided to see an optometrist yesterday who at least gave a more specific diagnosis. He basically said my tear film is a little poor, with the lower part of the eye breaking up too soon, around the 6 second mark. He saw a few blocked glands on my worst eye, less on my better eye. Having read around the topic I would say this fits into my symptoms. No much sign of Bleph either, but he could not rule it out.
So, starting today, this is my treatment regime I am about to embark on and would appreciate some advice:
1. Eat Better. This has coincided with a period of poor diet, after my last episode a few years ago, I got relatively fit and I wonder if that contributed to the healing.
2. Exercise more.
3. Fish oil and Flax oil daily. 3000mg fish, 2000mg flax, Holland and Barrett.
4. Dr Latkany home spa (daily? twice daily?). I have flirted with doing this for the past few months, have got a commercial rice bag. done it for a couple of days then jacked it in, but now appreciate that isn't going to do much! How long and what frequency?
5. Humidifer. looking into this, i get dry eyes at night so need to look into night eye protection as well.
6. Adopt a positive outlook! This has been a bit of a preoccupation over the past few months, bordering on the obsessive. I need to be a better father to my two little girls (3yrs and 7 months) and a better husband to my wife (who incidently, doesn't quite get whats going on). So i hope 1-5 above gets me somewhere along the way.
So, I'm hoping, by the time I get to see the hospital consultant, by adopting the above, things will have improved. If not, at least i can tell him what i have tried and look for a more agressive therapy.
Thanks in advance,
Small addendum...forgot to mention also use artifical tears regularily. Up to now i have had a strange wanting to try and use them as sparingly as possible. But I will try and use them at least four times a day to start, with the hope of reducing frequency when (hopefully!) things improve. Currently using blink intensive PF.