Originally posted by Ibrahim
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As for compressing your glasses, I used to do that too... wish I could go back to that. Not sure what kind of frames are in fashion where you live, but over here, a lot of people are wearing these bulkier plastic frames that just so happen to also conceal thicker lenses needed for high prescriptions... if those are in fashion where you live, maybe check some out... it may take a while to find a pair you like, but there's GOT to be something out there that will look good
And no worries about complaining about your glasses... I can totally understand as that is exactly one of the reasons that caused me to get LASIK... I totally get it, believe me. That being said, since my LASIK did not exactly turn out as planned, I feel like I should have just spent whatever money I needed to in order to get the most kick-a$$, most fashionable pair of glasses I could find... glad to hear you've been convinced to NOT get refractive surgery. Maybe in another 20 years they'll perfect it and people won't have to risk turning out like me... for now, getting nice glasses is definitely the best option.
Good luck to you!