Hi everyone. I was very happy to find this site. I have worn contacts for years, very high correction. Early years were the old hard ones,then gas permeable, and finally Coopervision Frequency 55 and now Air Optix. There was a bout of dry eye years ago, made worse by the fact that I have a sort of half blink, but with drops and the overnight ointment it resolved itself. This time around, as I am much older, I could tell that it was starting again, so jumped on it, went to my dr, bought several dry eye aides from the drug store, rewetting drops, etc.
My dr told me that this was not a severe case, so I was happy and hopeful. Then I started to get an odd irritation/itch under the right upper eyelid that responded to tossing the contact and using a new one....for a while. Over a period of time, the itching and tossing became more frequent, finally had to wear the contacts on and off, and for less hours a day.
I am going to interject here that my glasses were always hideous and unwearable due to the high correction. I once fell down a flight of stairs in a dark restaurant because I refused to wear them and had no perception that stairs were even on the horizon. About 15 years ago, my contact lens practitioner told me about an optician who did very high corrections and so I went to him. Paid a fortune, but I do have an accumulation of 5 pairs of paper thin glasses. They have to use labs like Zeiss and know their stuff, but it can be done. He told me that no one should have let me walk around in those other glasses.
So back to the itching and dumping the contact....my dr did tell me that I have something very close to GPC and gave me lotomax. At first we tried Zaditor but that was not helping the dryness and finally stopped being able to do anything about the condition either. I am presently on day 3 of the lotomax and am not using the contact. She told me that I may have an allergy to the lens material; apparently silicon hydrogel can be quite allergic and that is one theory we are working from now is that the Coopervision lens never did this as it is a different material. She gave me a free pair of another type of lens to try at the end of the meds and then wants me to go back.
I only use products designed for eyes in my eyes. Very confused if the use of oil around the eye will help or clog up those little glands. I do wear eye makeup....I am a Joan Jett sort of gal and am not going down without a fight on the makeup front.
Very happy to find you all here.
My dr told me that this was not a severe case, so I was happy and hopeful. Then I started to get an odd irritation/itch under the right upper eyelid that responded to tossing the contact and using a new one....for a while. Over a period of time, the itching and tossing became more frequent, finally had to wear the contacts on and off, and for less hours a day.
I am going to interject here that my glasses were always hideous and unwearable due to the high correction. I once fell down a flight of stairs in a dark restaurant because I refused to wear them and had no perception that stairs were even on the horizon. About 15 years ago, my contact lens practitioner told me about an optician who did very high corrections and so I went to him. Paid a fortune, but I do have an accumulation of 5 pairs of paper thin glasses. They have to use labs like Zeiss and know their stuff, but it can be done. He told me that no one should have let me walk around in those other glasses.
So back to the itching and dumping the contact....my dr did tell me that I have something very close to GPC and gave me lotomax. At first we tried Zaditor but that was not helping the dryness and finally stopped being able to do anything about the condition either. I am presently on day 3 of the lotomax and am not using the contact. She told me that I may have an allergy to the lens material; apparently silicon hydrogel can be quite allergic and that is one theory we are working from now is that the Coopervision lens never did this as it is a different material. She gave me a free pair of another type of lens to try at the end of the meds and then wants me to go back.
I only use products designed for eyes in my eyes. Very confused if the use of oil around the eye will help or clog up those little glands. I do wear eye makeup....I am a Joan Jett sort of gal and am not going down without a fight on the makeup front.
Very happy to find you all here.