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Dry Eye and GPC

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  • Dry Eye and GPC

    Hi everyone. I was very happy to find this site. I have worn contacts for years, very high correction. Early years were the old hard ones,then gas permeable, and finally Coopervision Frequency 55 and now Air Optix. There was a bout of dry eye years ago, made worse by the fact that I have a sort of half blink, but with drops and the overnight ointment it resolved itself. This time around, as I am much older, I could tell that it was starting again, so jumped on it, went to my dr, bought several dry eye aides from the drug store, rewetting drops, etc.

    My dr told me that this was not a severe case, so I was happy and hopeful. Then I started to get an odd irritation/itch under the right upper eyelid that responded to tossing the contact and using a new one....for a while. Over a period of time, the itching and tossing became more frequent, finally had to wear the contacts on and off, and for less hours a day.

    I am going to interject here that my glasses were always hideous and unwearable due to the high correction. I once fell down a flight of stairs in a dark restaurant because I refused to wear them and had no perception that stairs were even on the horizon. About 15 years ago, my contact lens practitioner told me about an optician who did very high corrections and so I went to him. Paid a fortune, but I do have an accumulation of 5 pairs of paper thin glasses. They have to use labs like Zeiss and know their stuff, but it can be done. He told me that no one should have let me walk around in those other glasses.

    So back to the itching and dumping the dr did tell me that I have something very close to GPC and gave me lotomax. At first we tried Zaditor but that was not helping the dryness and finally stopped being able to do anything about the condition either. I am presently on day 3 of the lotomax and am not using the contact. She told me that I may have an allergy to the lens material; apparently silicon hydrogel can be quite allergic and that is one theory we are working from now is that the Coopervision lens never did this as it is a different material. She gave me a free pair of another type of lens to try at the end of the meds and then wants me to go back.

    I only use products designed for eyes in my eyes. Very confused if the use of oil around the eye will help or clog up those little glands. I do wear eye makeup....I am a Joan Jett sort of gal and am not going down without a fight on the makeup front.

    Very happy to find you all here.

  • #2
    Welcome to the site Fionasmom! Your story does sound EXTREMELY similar to mine so I'd like to offer you some tips where I can.

    I also was switched over to a silicone hyrdrogel lense, Acuvue Oasis, after years of using a different brand. A year or so later after using this brand is when I had my whole eye problem flair up. I can't find it now but there are websites of countless complaints about how the hydrogel completely ruined peoples eyes, often resulting in them permanently having to discontinue contact lenses use. So I do often wonder if that is what was the route problem, but there will never be any way of knowing. In response to your comment on my thread, I now wear the Acnuvue One Day Moist contacts. They are not hydrogel lenses.

    My eye doctor also put me on Zaditor and persistently told me it was allergies but I don't think thats true. I used to have bad hay fever and my eyes would itch and turn red. What I have now is very different. But it doesn't hurt to try it anyway!

    I have a question for you about your high correction glasses. Do they make your eyes still look very very small? Even though Id like to forgo glasses completely I'd like to think its not just vanity of why I don't like to wear my glasses. With my very high prescription my eyes look tiny and it shrinks my face and you can see the huge lenses through my glasses as I turn to the side. These aren't just regular glasses. Iv had people say to me "wow your glasses are tripping me out right now." Or else if I had a normal prescription Id get some cute rayban glasses and that would be that, but I have to be very careful to keep my frames tiny so the lenses are thinner. If these paper thin glasses don't shrink your eyes I'd LOVE more information!

    As for being 'allergic' to the material. I don't think its allergic so much as the material is just not good for eyes in general and can ruin them. My original eye doc I saw said I was allergic to contacts in general.. Well seeing as I wear them now that was clearly not the case!

    Lastly, Id like to say follow the lotemax regime, but I would be very wary if your doctor keeps getting you to use the lotemax for more then one round, I felt it gave my eyes more problems, but thats my experience, most people have success with it. As for only using prescribed eye products.. be careful of eyedrops with preservatives. I felt like I had to 'wean' my eyes onto non preservative ones and once I did I then had to use them less. I almost felt like the preservative eyedrops causes a dependency.

    Anyway, as you are still early on your journey, I wish you best of luck and hopefully this will blow over after the round of lotemax and be quick! But if not you have a fellow GPC/Dry eye counterpart!


    • #3
      I just wrote a long reply which did not post, so I am going to keep this one shorter just in case. First of all, thank you so much for your time and information. I agree with everything that you are saying, and after the fact did google silicon hydrogel lenses and found a lot of complaints. My dr will definitely be conservative with the lotemax and so far my eyes are comfortable, but I am not trying any lenses yet.

      The glasses I have are expensive. Most prescriptions ran me around $700. I only got a pair every other year, VSP did not help because the optician was not a providing member. He frequently used Hoya progressive lenses which he had hand rolled on the edges, added UV coating. There was a surcharge of about $100 because of the strength of the prescription and what they had to do to make them thinner. I know that he also used Zeiss labs. My eyes do not look small in them, and the glasses would never stand out from others in a crowd of people wearing eye glasses. I am limited in the size of the frame...they don't have to be tiny, but I could not do that big geek chic lenses as the weight would just be too much.

      I am going to see if this posts now. Thank you again for all your help. I made a note of the lenses you are wearing now as well. Mia


      • #4
        [QUOTE=fionasmom;96728]Hi everyone. I was very happy to find this site. I have worn contacts for years, very high correction. Early years were the old hard ones,then gas permeable, and finally Coopervision Frequency 55 and now Air Optix. There was a bout of dry eye years ago, made worse by the fact that I have a sort of half blink, but with drops and the overnight ointment it resolved itself. This time around, as I am much older, I could tell that it was starting again, so jumped on it, went to my dr, bought several dry eye aides from the drug store, rewetting drops, etc.

        My dr told me that this was not a severe case, so I was happy and hopeful. Then I started to get an odd irritation/itch under the right upper eyelid that responded to tossing the contact and using a new one....for a while. Over a period of time, the itching and tossing became more frequent, finally had to wear the contacts on and off, and for less hours a day.

        I am going to interject here that my glasses were always hideous and unwearable due to the high correction. I once fell down a flight of stairs in a dark restaurant because I refused to wear them and had no perception that stairs were even on the horizon. About 15 years ago, my contact lens practitioner told me about an optician who did very high corrections and so I went to him. Paid a fortune, but I do have an accumulation of 5 pairs of paper thin glasses. They have to use labs like Zeiss and know their stuff, but it can be done. He told me that no one should have let me walk around in those other glasses.

        So back to the itching and dumping the dr did tell me that I have something very close to GPC and gave me lotomax. At first we tried Zaditor but that was not helping the dryness and finally stopped being able to do anything about the condition either. I am presently on day 3 of the lotomax and am not using the contact. She told me that I may have an allergy to the lens material; apparently silicon hydrogel can be quite allergic and that is one theory we are working from now is that the Coopervision lens never did this as it is a different material. She gave me a free pair of another type of lens to try at the end of the meds and then wants me to go back.

        I only use products designed for eyes in my eyes. Very confused if the use of oil around the eye will help or clog up those little glands. I do wear eye makeup....I am a Joan Jett sort of gal and am not going down without a fight on the makeup front.

        Very happy to find you all here.[/QUOTE

        Hi there! I just read your post and I just want to say that I too, "won't go down without a fight on the makeup front". I adore makeup and use it despite my very severe dry left eye, which waters CONSTANTLY. I am brand new to "dryeyetalk" and just joined this forum. I am desperate to try everything and just about anything to alleviate my mostly bad watery left eye days, but I keep telling myself in the strongest terms: "I am not, I am not going to stop using eye makeup-ever!" I will NEVER give up. I carry my make up bag with me to work complete with all my eye makeup and eye make up remover for my bad days when I have to re-do my entire left eye. As I write this reply,my left eye is watering and my eyelid is totally moist and my inner corner is tearing. I have had many eye procedures done to no real remedy Please refer to my post of 7/1-"Dry left eye-MISERABLE". I just had to reply to your post as it really hits a nerve with me. Never ever going to stop using eye makeup. Best wishes, Brigida


        • #5
          You go, girl! Oddly enough, I just came back today to check this site after a visit with my eye dr. She remarked to me that she "noticed that you are wearing eye makeup today." She is a very nice young woman and did not mean it badly, but it was funny. And I made a point of wearing LESS today just so that it would not be all over her fingers as she examined my eyes. I bet you have done all the same research I have about makeup and eye conditions, and I have to admit that I still will, on occasion, line the waterline on the inside of the eyelid despite everything. In my opinion, and I am certainly not a dr, makeup has never made any condition I have had, eyes or otherwise, better or worse. However, I know that in the world of dry eye, there is that discussion of blocked glands etc. I will read your other post now.


          • #6
            Hi again! It is 5 a.m. Sunday, 7/5, and I have had a disastrous week and Horrible suffering Saturday with my ailing left eye. Saturday was so terrible that on Monday I plan to call my oculoplastic surgeon to move up my appointment to ASAP-it is scheduled for 7/29. I just want to continue my comments about eye makeup--thanks so much for your reply. I look at eye makeup tutorials on U Tube and feel so much wistful envy thinking back to my youth when I did not have this terrible and persistent watery eye!!! Back then, I used to line my "waterline" every day with black eyeliner pencil--no problem! My only consolation these days is that that look no longer looks good on me--I was younger when I lined my eyes like that and my face and features have changed. I looked different back then. Still, my heart aches that I can't keep my eye make up on and am constantly uncomfortable and dabbing my left eye with my hankerchief or kleenex as the tears run down my face from that eye. I'm going to ask my surgeon if inserting a Jones Tube as he had initially intended to do, but changed course during that procedure, should now be the next step. He only "repaired" my lacrimal duct--some repair!!! NOT. It is "wide open" and he tested it several times, but the tears do not drain into my nose like it should have done!!! I just don't know what to do and my opthalmologist whom I saw 2 weeks ago inserted a temporary plus on the upper left lid that was dissolvable--this only made the watering significantly worse. I have had plugs inserted into both ducts over the years and it was two years ago that my left eye really started the flooding problem and was diagnosed as being "severely damaged". Long story short-nothing has helped me and I am going insane. Thanks again for replying to my post. Brigida

