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New to Dry Eye Talk

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  • New to Dry Eye Talk

    Hi, I had Lasik surgery on January 11th of this year and have had quite a ride ! I happen to have an opthalmologist who did NOT recommend Restasis and was plugging my ducts with temporary collagen plugs that didn't last very long. I got a second opinion and he recommended Restasis and silicone plugs but my guy said my tear ducts face into my eyes and will scratch and he was adamant about not using restasis. The last visit about a week ago he told me the dryness would NOT get better and we need to cauterize the lower puncta!!! I felt this was rather a large leap and was baffled. When I pressured for a dry eye specialist referral he actually studied my chart and told me I haven't been closing my eyes properly while I sleep... Now he tells me...
    I have been taping my eyes shut (after putting in the goop) and some mornings I feel great and others are dryer. I am considering investing in Tranquileyes but want to be sure this is not going to get better and maybe just winging it with eye masks and stuff would make more sense?

    I'd appreciate any comments. I am wondering if the Lasik surgery has made this a permanent problem for me. Incidentally my vision is pretty good when my eyes are moist. Oh, and I forgot to mention that the night sealing the eyes has helped the MOST. I have been using gauze rolled up and taping over it but it really hurts getting the tape off and leaves my eyes pretty puffy. He said the eyes get "chapped" like lips do and so I guess I was playing catch up to moisten them the whole day. Working in a hospital (the dryest place know to man, I am convinced) the day after made life miserable.. I actually had to take a leave of absence and am now back at work again.
    Thanks, I am glad to be registered with Dry Eye Talk - your website is what gave me the ammunition I needed to get some answers from the surgeon. It really informed me of all the options. Well done to all responsible!!

  • #2
    whoops, I forgot to mention that I did start Restasis on the 20th in just one eye - this seemed to be the compromise with the guy. So far so good. No burning or anything. Yesterday that eye was significantly better than the other eye! So I am going to start the L eye I think too - or could I get a delayed bad reaction?


    • #3
      I have a good feeling about your prognosis, Dot. You are very, very early in this process for sure. You can improve a great deal yet. It is too early for cauterization, though if you continue to have trouble you might consider it in the future if you cannot wear plugs.

      I also have an issue with nighttime. If my nights go better, my days do as well. I'm certain there is some damage done when my eyes are allowed to get bone dry at night.

      Sleep masks at night work well for me as they gently keep my eyes closed. I don't think I could fall asleep without mine in place. Between that, my lower retainer and my upper splint thing I use to keep me from grinding my teeth into powder, I look like a total freak. And yet my husband sticks around.

      Anyway, I also run a big fat humidifier in my room. It can be pretty humid in my room at times. The moister the better. I am aware, as you should be, that one needs to be careful with this due to mildew and tiny creatures that love the moisture. The humidity in my bedroom at night is a major factor in my overall comfort.

      I also instill drops in the night whenever I happen to wake up and notice that gritty, dry feeling. I will not let myself fall back to sleep unless I've lubed. I'm certain this helps me have better days.

      The best of luck to you.

      Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.


      • #4

        Welcome to DEZ, dry eyes after laser really can be depressing, you have made a really positive step by firstly joining this board, and secondly by being proactive in your approach.

        Like Diana, I too have dryness due to laser surgery.

        You are currently in the usual post operative laser induced dryness period. Usually for a lot of people this can take 6 - 12 months to settle.

        In the mean time, I would suggest that you load up with artificial tears, keep your eyes as moist as possible and do whatever you need to keep the dryness at bay during the night.

        Also like Diana and many others here, during the night if I wake I take the opportunity to put in another load of goop.

        Hang in there Dot, we understand and sympathise what you are going through, we have been there and I can assure you that whilst I am certainly not where I was pre-op, I have made significant moves forward in the past 6-12 months. I suggest that you read Diana's story and mine (6 months post epi lasek) in the My Story forum. You may find some useful tips that have helped us.



        • #5
          Originally posted by Dot
          my guy said my tear ducts face into my eyes and will scratch and he was adamant about not using restasis.
          Hi Dot, and welcome.

          I have not had Lasik, but recently got lower plugs, which I think are helping. I really wonder about your doc. I hadn't heard about tear ducts facing into eyes (mine do--maybe other people's do too? I thought this was "normal"). The ducts are in the corner--mine aren't near my cornea and I never feel the plugs (they are soft silicone). The intracanalicular type plugs go inside the duct--I don't see why you couldn't try those at some point.

          Also, a doc that doesn't start with Restasis? He sounds unusual--conservative--maybe that's a good thing. But being adamant about not letting a patient try something--that's not right.



          • #6
            I have not had Lasik, but recently got lower plugs, which I think are helping. I really wonder about your doc. I hadn't heard about tear ducts facing into eyes (mine do--maybe other people's do too? I thought this was "normal").
            Dr latkany mentions this in his book. he says asian eyes often have the bottom tear ducks facing in towards the eyes so the plug may cause irratation so he would consider cautery occassionally.
            I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:


            • #7
              New to site


              I too had Lasik thinking it was the best thing l could have done, it's turned out to be my worst nightmare. At eight weeks the dryness in my eye's was so bad l went to my local eye infirmary, there they told me l had dry eyes and it might never go. I had Lasik on 4th January this year mostly for practical reason's not for vanity, l liked wearing my glasses. We are off to Australia in May and I thought it would be handy not to have to take glasses, lenses, prescripition sunglases e.t.c. Five of my freinds have had it done, the best thing ever they said!!! So the holiday I have looked forward to the most is the one l most dread especially the plane journey, any tips. I have been back to the clinic where it was done 14 times due to so much distress and I am now at the stage, next week infact where they have suggested plugs. At the moment I am only putting in gel at night as the drops make my eyes worse, (feel like my eyes are being sucked out of my head and eyelids get very heavy). I am stuggling. Can anyone help Donna.


              • #8
                Hi donnabod

                sorry you have fallen victim to lasik, there are many people here who are in the same situation so you are not alone. You have time still to improve.

                Its not ideal but the thing i would suggest about flying is to use tranquille eyes (they sell them on this website) they will keep your eyes moist (heating pads) and airtight for the journey.

                Have you been offered restasis. Plugs are also worth a try. Ask the doctor if he can see inflammation before he puts plugs in because you may need to tackle this first.

                Good luck with your holiday

                I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:


                • #9
                  Thanks s
                  will try tranquille eyes. What is Restasis? At first l was using blink, viscotears
                  and lacrolube, told to cut down on these, so now l use hot compresses and the viscotears, to scared to try anything else but do you think l am am damaging my eyes by not putting anything else in. Oh l do chop onions to try and produce tears without much success!!! Have you experienced the feeling of your eyelids getting heavy and closing, because now l find it hard to drive after several times when l had to pull over because my eyes were closing very frightening. I will not drive much now only very short distances and never on a motorway. l walk alot more it can help take my mind off things. I'm glad l found this website because l thought it was me being overly sensitive. l cry quite alot and can produce tears but not of the right quality it seems l just need a bit of hope. How long is it since you have had Lasik and how are your eyes now?


                  • #10
                    Hi thanks to all for the warm welcome.
                    It IS SO awesome to have people who have gone through similar experiences chat and help each other!

                    For the other newcomer - HI ! We had Lasik a week apart they have put in temporary plugs about 7 times since then which dramatically helped me. The drops I inserted would immediately drain or evaporate before that. (So I am hoping my surgeon will be more proactive and find out about other plug options.) The most help though has been the covering and sealing of the eyes at night. I am going to invest in Tranquileyes today. I started using Restasis in the L eye aswell. I am sorry I am not able to recall everyone's names and I don't quite know how to facilitate the chat thing... but
                    I agree that your flight to Australia would be SO daunting with dry eyes.

                    Guys how do you get directly to the talk section on the website and does anyone know if the closing of the eyes at night will improve as the other stuff improves?


                    • #11
                      Dot again I think I got the names straight.

                      Diana, I do have a humidifier but the level of humidity in the room always reads "normal" so I don't know if the stupid thing is even working for me at all! It's pretty big and noisy aswell but my husband has gotten used to the whole deal now though. I too wear a retainer and then the gauze and tape - charming sight!
                      DonnaI have been using "refresh PM" at night and haven't been able to lube at night without removing my "mask" which I have done on occasion. I heard someone on the talk say that the thicker stuff didn't work for him. I feel that way too about the viscous Refresh PM - I did try genteal gel once - may try that again. Donna I LOVE refresh Liquigel though and using it together with the "refresh plus" drops is a great combo. However if my eyes are super dry the liquigel seems to make the eye feel "tacky" and the lid "heavy" like you described. If mine are too dry I almost have to use the artificial tears about 5 min. before the liquigel to avoid that tacky feeling. It seems to evaporate less than the drops do. So at work where it's so dry it's a life saver. I am dreading that I have the next four days in a row to look forward to at work!


                      • #12

                        From the products you mentioned in your post I am assuming that you are in the UK. If so, there are a limited number of options available to you. Restasis is not available here and we tend to be limited to Viscotears, Celluvisc, Lacrilube.

                        Celluvisc might be worth a try if you haven't yet tried it.

                        As Sazy says, plugs might also be an option worth persuing. I found that they helped me during my early days post epi-lasek.

                        I have recently returned from the long haul to Australia and it can be challenging. My suggestion to you is to take a collection of your favourite drops, a set of tranquil eyes and your iPod loaded with your favourite tracks to help you make it through your journey.

                        I loaded my eyes up with Genteal Gel (or Viscotears if you can't get it), put the Tranquil eyes on, and tried to forget about where I was.

                        Each hour or so, I made sure I put in some drops as the cabin pressure makes flying somewhat challenging.

                        The other thing I found useful was to mention to the flight crew that you have a problem with dry eyes and that you may need some of the hot towels a little more regularly. I just kept mine when they came and put them on my eyes to help with the burning.

                        From a security point of view, get a letter from your Dr outlining that you have DES and the drops you require for the flight. I took this as I flew during the increased security measures.

                        Most of all, look forward to your holiday. You will love Australia so try to put the thought of the flight behind you, think of the destination not the journey.

                        If you want to email me for any other tips (either about DES or Australia) please feel free to do so, I know you are in a difficult position at the moment but I am sure you will love Australia and make the most of it.




                        • #13
                          Getting around The Dry Eye Zone

                          For Dot and others who are new to this site:

                          DryEyeTalk (this bulletin board) is just one of the many resources at The Dry Eye Zone. The Dry Eye Zone's home page is here.

                          From there, you can get to DryEyeTalk (this bulletin board), The Dry Eye Shop (premium-quality dry eye products), The Dry Eye Encyclopedia, and much more.

                          Dot, if you're wanting to know the URL for this bulletin board, here it is: The easiest way to get there next time is to bookmark it.


                          • #14

                            I too made the observation that you must be in the UK. Whereabouts do you live and have you found a good doctor who is knowledgable about dry eye?

                            Ian-prattstar had LASIK in the UK and he insisted on seing a doctor who could handle his dry eye as they were the ones who caused it! He may be able to give you some advice about that. They gave him restasis to try also. You can get it from an international pharmacy you just need a doctor to write you a perscription (to get the perscription can be harder than it sounds). Restasis is the only perscription medication that actually makes more of your own tears by reducing inflammation. It has helped alot of people. Do a search on this site.

                            Becuase you can cry doesnt mean you dont have the right quantity of tears, crying is 'reflex tears' same as when you peal an onion. These tears are not the right tears that keep your eye comfortable. So you still may not have the right quantity or quality of tears. You wont know until you get your doctor to do a schimmer test (measure quantiy) and TBUT test (measure quality) to verify which dry eye you have. Genrally staining tests just indicate you have dry eye but not which type.

                            I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:


                            • #15
                              Thanks Ian for your tips on travelling to Oz, if l think of anything else l will let you know, most of our trip consists of camping down the east coast and outback so l hope it's not to dry!! I am based in the U.K in the midlands and l had my lasik done in Birmingham. The guy that l see now is sympathetic and does all he can, they all know me by name at the clinic as l have been there so my times!!!they must think l'm a pain but needs must and since l have paid alot of money for this op l expect a certain level of care. l will definatley ask him about Restasis and see if it would be worth a try. To s and Ian has your DES disappeared into the background of your lives because at the moment my life seems to be consumed with it and its tiring!! Thanks for all your support everyone who replied, hi to Dot and thanks for your advice.


