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  • #16

    I sent you a private message.


    I just reread your original post, I had four plugs inserted and the upper plugs kept hiitting my corneas when I looked in the wrong direction.

    To overcome this, I had temporary plugs inserted in the upper and permanent in the lower. Sometimes my cornea hits the bottom ones but it is very rarely now, just a sharp pain, some reflex tearing and it is over with.

    Maybe you could try the temporary plugs and keep getting them replaced every 3 months.

    I personally think cautery is a little premature (but I am not a DR). It is my opinion that post operative dryness is common for 6 - 12 months but a number of people improve significantly beyond this period.

    I know it is difficult but I think if you can persist with temporary plugs, I would continue this line of treatment for a few months months yet. I am still wearing silicone lower plugs at 18 months, I am currently looking at having the plug removed from my left eye now as it seems to be behaving itself, just wish my right eye would learn from my left.

    Maybe try a combination of permanent lowers (silicone) and temporary uppers. IMHO there is a lot of experiementation you can do with plugs before you consider anything permanently. If the plugs don't work, then you have cautery to fall back on.




    • #17
      Hi Prattstar, thanks for your input. I agree about waiting on the permanent cauterizing and am hoping to do the 90 day plugs. It sounds like in the UK the plugs are more commonly used. (He adamantly won't do the permanent plugs but hopefully he'll try the 90 day ones once he learns about them of course.) I called tranqileye people and had to leave a message. I really want to get them so I don't have to tape stuff on my face! I woke up SUPER dry this morning ugh.
      I'm going to check out the homepage now thanks again.


      • #18
        Tell me about Dakrina and Dwelle

        I noticed in your story that you used these and loved them. What exactly are they like... they have them in the value kit with tranquileyes for $97 or do you think I should order the samples first? I want to keep expenses down obviously.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Dot
          I noticed in your story that you used these and loved them. What exactly are they like... they have them in the value kit with tranquileyes for $97 or do you think I should order the samples first? I want to keep expenses down obviously.
          Dot, have a chat with Rebecca (moderator), she sells them in the Dry Eye Shop, in my opinion, you use the goggles and replacement pads, the rest is marketing - who cares what tin they come in. The tin went in the bin in the first week.

          My suggestion is to get the cheapest package that comes with the goggles, some replacement pads and very little else, you can buy additional pads as you need them. I am very slack with washing them but you can use an antibacterial cleaner (low irritant one). I think Rebecca throws in some Dwelle for you to try also.

          I wish you well with them.

          As for the plugs, I don't see the hesitation, there are some instances where the inflammation gets worse because of the plugs but I can't see that it would make any difference if they are temporary or permanent.

          The permanent ones last longer (as the name suggests) and they have a little tip that sticks out a little and in some people this can irritate the cornea (like it does me and probably most people from time to time) but I don't even know they are there most of the time.

          I think I would insist on permanent plugs. I think your laser clinic should be doing this for you - FREE OF CHARGE, isn't aftercare included in the price you paid upfront, you may need to remind them of this fact.




          • #20
            Hi Ian, thanks for the quick response! Okay that helps. How do I talk to Rebecca - does she read these too?
            I know this office is being very unethical I think. They will do an "enhancement Lasik" for free for those whose vision isn't perfect but start charging me for plugs that his surgery caused! It's just wrong. I need to call them now and see if he bothered to do the research and if they will charge me for my next appointment! I really would like to do permanents but he "doesn't put in anything he can't get out" whatever!


            • #21

              Rebecca is the moderator of this board, I was suggesting you contact her re the tranquil eyes, you can email her directly at and yes I have absolutely no doubt that her dedication ensures that she reads all posts placed here.

              You will not find a more understanding person regarding dry eyes, Rebecca herself has lasik induced dry eyes and set up this community for those of us affected by this insideous condition to air our concerns.

              Obviously you will need to take the "fight" up with your laser company regarding the plugs, but let me assure you that it is cheaper to provide you plugs than to offer an enhancement procedure. I am not sure what the "rules" are in the USA about this but basically, I have worked with my laser clininc to find a solution and they have been most helpful.

              If your clinic are not prepared to play ball, you need to rattle their cage (I am concerned that I am comming across on this board as an antagonistic person - this couldn't be further from the truth but sometime we need to fight for what we believe in).

              Permanent plugs can be easily removed probably more readily than temporary plugs as these need to be irrigated out. Permanent plugs can be removed in seconds with a pair of forceps in the examination room.

              I wish you well with your endeavours and happy for you to contact me via email if you have any further questions.

              Take care of yourself, this is a tough road to travel, but remember you don't have to walk the road alone.

              I am not a Dr and my views expressed here are entirely my own based purely upon my own experiences.




              • #22
                Originally posted by Dot
                they have them in the value kit with tranquileyes for $97 or do you think I should order the samples first? I want to keep expenses down obviously.
                If you just want to get the goggles and try the drops, I'd suggest the "Chronic Dry Eye" tranquileyes kit ($49) which includes samples of Dwelle & Dakrina. Each of the little eyedrop bottles has about 100 drops so it's ample for a few weeks' trial.

                The $97 "Value Kit" is quite a good deal if you want to try everything: Tranquileyes goggle, Omega 3 supplements, rice baggy for warm compresses, and drops.

                Sorry I can't answer more at length but as The Almighty mentioned I'm away at a conference and only online maybe once a day at best. I'll get caught up with messages here early next week.
                Rebecca Petris
                The Dry Eye Foundation


                • #23

                  Hi Rebecca,
                  Please order the kit with the two samples and I will pay you asap. I am getting desperate. I know you are at that conference though, should I call the shop back?


                  • #24
                    Thanks Ian!

                    I talked to the office today and they assured me the "3 month plugs" are now at the office and my appointment is next week. They told me they would call me if there was a cancellation (since I had asked to have the appointment moved up.) Somehow I doubt that will happen, so wait I must.
                    Ian, I agree with your sentiments about "fighting" against the charging me thing. I plan on talking money directly with the surgeon since he told me they "would help me". I plan to tell him that charging me for the plugs is unethical based on the gaurantee of enhancements for free for those candidates who need them and of course the info I was given regarding the first year after the procedure being covered "post op".

                    Now Ian, I thought the permanent plugs were not easy to take out unless you use the silicone ones with the cap? He told me you have to flush them the permanent ones) out etc... anyway I will try the 3 month ones and go from there. Restasis is still working for me in that I am not having any inflammation or problems. It is slightly slightly better since then too. Work was awful the other day because I couldn't get enough drops in and got super dry and blurry. The saga continues...
                    Thanks again for the support Ian, I will try to call Rebecca tomorrow.


                    • #25
                      I guess to clarify there are two different types of permanent plugs (in general), ones with a cap and ones without.

                      I have the ones with a cap so they can be easily removed, I guess the intracanicular (??sp) are the ones the require irrigation to remove.

                      I wish you well with the plugs.



                      • #26
                        Hi Dot
                        I insisted that I would not pay for the plugs put in after my Lasik disaster for the same reason as you mentioned. I did not pay and they stopped sending the bills. After all they made the mistake of undertaking the process on someone who was not a suitable candidate. I have lower permanent plugs now (the sort that can be removed easily). One of the first ones put in came out after a year and a half and the other one had to be removed and replaced later because it was causing irritation and mucus in my eye. I had given up on my Lasik surgeon then and my husband's cataract surgeon put in the next lot of plugs and is keeping an eye on me and helping where he can.
                        It must cost the Lasik surgeons quite a lot to do an enhancement.
                        Insertion of plugs is much simpler. I wonder if your 3 month plugs are the ones that dissolve after 3 months?
                        Good luck with the plugs and I wish you lots of positive progress with your dry eye problems. I have had some real down times but then things improve again!!! There is always hope!
                        Cheers and God bless
                        When the going gets tough - the tough get going!


                        • #27

                          Got back from the clinic yesterday thinking l was going to get plugs for my DES but they thought that it was still to early to insert these ( 4 months post Lasik). However they are going to order Restasis for me, will take 2 weeks to get to the U.K.and l am going on holiday in 3 weeks so the problem is they carn't monitor me. If anyone has used or is using Restasis your opinions on this would be gratefully received as this is a voyage into the unknown.




                          • #28

                            I feel so much for you. I don't know what game the clinic are playing - they are willing to try Restasis but not plugs???????

                            I had plugs inserted at about month 6 only because I felt dismissed by my laser clinic.

                            I don't understand their logic at all. I have had 200% noticable improvement of plugs over Restasis. For me, Restsis was an expensive eye drop with little outcome, yet plugs gave me a noticable improvement.

                            I still have lower plugs inserted to this day, yet I gave up Restasis months ago.

                            I wish you well with it, although, I think I would be going back for round two and inisting on at least trying the plugs even temporary ones - in my opinion you have little to lose and so much to gain.



                            • #29

                              I also don't understand the hesitation with plugs. It's not complicated to insert them. Restasis could bring you improvement, but takes time and patience. In the meantime, plugs would be a great option for you.

                              I'm so sorry it's such a struggle for you. Can you got to another clinic?
                              Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.


                              • #30
                                Thanks for your replies Ian and Dianat. The logic, according to the surgeon was that it was early days and if they put plugs in now it would discourage my natural tear production, making my eyes think that they had enough tears. Is this right or wrong, l don't know l'm not an expert l just have to trust these people, am l being niaive? It's a pain because going on holiday l dont know what to do for the best. If Restasis takes ages to work it is'nt worth putting it in. Was putting plugs in the last resort for you both had you got chronic DES?

                                Cheers Donna

