I sent you a private message.
I just reread your original post, I had four plugs inserted and the upper plugs kept hiitting my corneas when I looked in the wrong direction.
To overcome this, I had temporary plugs inserted in the upper and permanent in the lower. Sometimes my cornea hits the bottom ones but it is very rarely now, just a sharp pain, some reflex tearing and it is over with.
Maybe you could try the temporary plugs and keep getting them replaced every 3 months.
I personally think cautery is a little premature (but I am not a DR). It is my opinion that post operative dryness is common for 6 - 12 months but a number of people improve significantly beyond this period.
I know it is difficult but I think if you can persist with temporary plugs, I would continue this line of treatment for a few months months yet. I am still wearing silicone lower plugs at 18 months, I am currently looking at having the plug removed from my left eye now as it seems to be behaving itself, just wish my right eye would learn from my left.
Maybe try a combination of permanent lowers (silicone) and temporary uppers. IMHO there is a lot of experiementation you can do with plugs before you consider anything permanently. If the plugs don't work, then you have cautery to fall back on.
I sent you a private message.
I just reread your original post, I had four plugs inserted and the upper plugs kept hiitting my corneas when I looked in the wrong direction.
To overcome this, I had temporary plugs inserted in the upper and permanent in the lower. Sometimes my cornea hits the bottom ones but it is very rarely now, just a sharp pain, some reflex tearing and it is over with.
Maybe you could try the temporary plugs and keep getting them replaced every 3 months.
I personally think cautery is a little premature (but I am not a DR). It is my opinion that post operative dryness is common for 6 - 12 months but a number of people improve significantly beyond this period.
I know it is difficult but I think if you can persist with temporary plugs, I would continue this line of treatment for a few months months yet. I am still wearing silicone lower plugs at 18 months, I am currently looking at having the plug removed from my left eye now as it seems to be behaving itself, just wish my right eye would learn from my left.
Maybe try a combination of permanent lowers (silicone) and temporary uppers. IMHO there is a lot of experiementation you can do with plugs before you consider anything permanently. If the plugs don't work, then you have cautery to fall back on.