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New Member, Punctal Plugs Question

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  • New Member, Punctal Plugs Question

    Hello Everyone, I'm glad to have found this great forum, just wish I had done so before my punctal plug insertion rather than after...I have DES related to menopause plus some autoimmune issues (RA, suspected Sjogren's, Raynaud's) and have been using Restasis for about 9 weeks. Not much difference so at my follow up yesterday my Dr. inserted punctal plugs. He didn't give much info regarding what to expect afterwards, so being an optimist I assumed my dry eyes would instantly be cured and I would be wearing my contacts today - wrong! My eyes felt more irritated and dry all day yesterday and today again, they are red in the inner corners and hurt, especially the left one. Definitely not better than pre-pp. I got silicone plugs, don't know what brand, he said they were 'permanent' when I asked how long they'll last. I'm wondering (I have a call in to his office, waiting for a callback), is this normal? How long till my eyes feel better than they did before I got the plugs? I've been using artificial tears nearly every hour but they don't seem to help at all. If I look to the sides it almost seems like I can feel the edge of the cap scraping my that possible? Thanks so much for any words of advice or encouragement, and best wishes to all,

  • #2

    Plugs can defintely cause a problem if not placed right or if the shape of your eye is not compatible with plugs. I had permanent plugs put in and had to get them emergently removed. If u are having problems contact your MD. If they are permanent they should be able to remove them easily and put in dissolvable plugs which have no cap to aggravate the eye
    If life is a bowl of cherries, then why I am I stuck in the pits!


    • #3
      Originally posted by FormerMermaid View Post
      My eyes felt more irritated and dry all day yesterday and today again, they are red in the inner corners and hurt, especially the left one. Definitely not better than pre-pp. I got silicone plugs, don't know what brand, he said they were 'permanent' when I asked how long they'll last. I'm wondering (I have a call in to his office, waiting for a callback), is this normal? How long till my eyes feel better than they did before I got the plugs? I've been using artificial tears nearly every hour but they don't seem to help at all. If I look to the sides it almost seems like I can feel the edge of the cap scraping my that possible?
      It is not unusual to have a fair amount of discomfort in the first days or even up to a week or two after having plugs placed - basically, from the time the anaesthetic wears off till any irritation from the process passes away and you start getting used to them. I'd encourage you to browse through some of the stories in the Plugs archive forum as we've had many members go through discomfort in the initial period and then turn out fine.
      Rebecca Petris
      The Dry Eye Foundation


      • #4
        It is not unusual to experience both of the issues you described.


        • #5
          Some irritation is to be expected and then in a week or so, you should know if they are beginning to help or not. I immediately had more moisture on the eyes, but did have some annoying symptoms for a few days with one of the 3 I had done. I am very, very happy I had them done. I am sorry your doctor did not tell you what to expect. If you develop severe itching, call your doctor immediately.


          • #6
            Just had plugs put in today.

            Hi tere,
            I am a newbie too. I just had lower plugs put in today. I am a little uncomfortable tonight. My eyes are definetly not any "wetter" yet!
            I had cylicone plugs put in too. My doctor said I can have them removed if need be. I Hope you are feeling better today.
            I am curious to keep in touch and see how you are doing. I am having a heck of a time with this dry eye stuff. I could use some support too.
            I will try to keep you posted on how my plugs work out.
            Take care and good luck!

